Does anybody actually agree with this?

i think i read somewhere that the massive fine for damages is because the bakery bigots doxxed the gay couple on social media etc

but someone who actually cares would have to check and confirm that

if there are two cases like this going on i could very well be confused :roller:

Don’t let facts get in the way now
Don’t let facts get in the way now

the fact that coombz will not rent to africans

but thinks he should be part of this conversation?

this is more relevant, as although I'm not a semi-pro bigoted fuckwit, I am a landlord...

tl;dr game is hard?

I met a Canadian chick who was over here on a vacation and was convinced that her African tenants back home were destroying her house and were not gonna comply with the eviction notice, requiring her to go to court and shit. She's since got back and found that she was 100% right. I'm like...why the fuck are you renting to Africans

tl;dr them maths is hard


pay your 135k you kiwi con artist
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Imagine living in a world where you'll be fired from your job for a racist joke about any minority but University professors keep their jobs while calling for the genocide of your entire race.

You don't have to imagine though, you live in that world.

and it is a daily doing for the tribe

they get their dogs foaming and then get upset at places like evergreen college where they attack the whitest male they can find in the room (the hellow fellow white guy jew professor)




cnn spends all day calling out white male privilege

when you point out how those white men are actually jews

they get as mad and violent as they did against that gif guy trump retweeted months ago
It would've been cheaper to bake them the cake but trip and ruin it on the way to their car or via delivery service.

How would you prove in a court of law damages exceeding the price of the cake for incompetence.
Muslims weren't getting away with it because they were muslim. They were getting away with it because they were in Michigan.
In most states, sexual orientation is not a protected class. You can refuse service to someone for being gay in Michigan. You can probably even fire them for being gay.
They deserve to lose their business, if they were dumb enough to say the reason why they weren't going to make the cake is because the couple is gay that is their fault. If they did it to make a statement did they not think for a second how this would turn out?

They could have easily refused to do the work, and refused to give a reason, or just said they were too busy. :shrug:
They deserve to lose their business, if they were dumb enough to say the reason why they weren't going to make the cake is because the couple is gay that is their fault. If they did it to make a statement did they not think for a second how this would turn out?

They could have easily refused to do the work, and refused to give a reason, or just said they were too busy. :shrug:

no facts allowed in this thread

only feels

reeeeeee and what not
h8 2 star ur burst but USA was founded upon mid lvl doods given an opportunity 2 create a new, imaginary foundation for a new, imaginary society where they and their direct descendants get 2b royalty w/o having earned or justified it

it’s an obsolete, played out version of what our off world colonies will be millennia from now
Society worked this out on their own. They lost their business... Why is the government charging people 135k for having a different belief system?

The $135k judgement was awarded to the gay couple because these poor martyred christians doxxed them on Facebook and Twitter.

These weren't fines. :lol:
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