Do you have any female friends you wouldn't fuck?

So according to you, women have higher IQ, have better spatial cognition, handle stressful situations better, and are more rational?

Is this your position?

No. How the fuck did you arrive at that? That's the kind of ridiculous sweeping generalisation only idiots like yourself would use.

My position is that your position that "Women are not bright" is patently utter bollocks and very easily disproven, but that the only explanation for you taking that position is from personal experience. And that those who deliberately surround themselves with dim people (female or otherwise) are obviously compensating.
:rofl: Val is like a poster child for dunning–kruger.

(or at least: the character he portrays... I have a hard time believing anyone could be genuinely that stupid and not have been killed walking into traffic or forgetting how to breathe or some shit.)
That was one of the most amazing conversations I've ever had in here. You just read through it and think "How?".

And I've spent time arguing with Juggletits.
No. How the fuck did you arrive at that? That's the kind of ridiculous sweeping generalisation only idiots like yourself would use.

My position is that your position that "Women are not bright" is patently utter bollocks and very easily disproven, but that the only explanation for you taking that position is from personal experience. And that those who deliberately surround themselves with dim people (female or otherwise) are obviously compensating.
So your position is that they are just as smart, but not in any of the ways I just pointed out, but you stand by your first statement.

:rofl: Got it.
So your position is that they are just as smart, but not in any of the ways I just pointed out, but you stand by your first statement.

:rofl: Got it.

Well when you make an entirely binary statement and then in the very next post accuse me of making a binary statement, and then you make sweeping generalisations, and then you interpret my position (incorrectly) as a sweeping generalisation, I really can't do much more. Trying to debate with someone who not only can't remember the last post they made, but actually directly contradicts it 2 minutes later, is really fucking hard work. I'm just gonna go and do something easier, like nailing blancmange to the ceiling.
Well when you make an entirely binary statement and then in the very next post accuse me of making a binary statement, and then you make sweeping generalisations, and then you interpret my position (incorrectly) as a sweeping generalisation, I really can't do much more. Trying to debate with someone who not only can't remember the last post they made, but actually directly contradicts it 2 minutes later, is really fucking hard work. I'm just gonna go and do something easier, like nailing blancmange to the ceiling.
No, I can remember what I said and why I said it, but it's true I do take on the assumption that the person I'm talking to isn't just pulling 5 words out of several posts and evaluating them completely independent of the context of the discussion that I've repeated several times and even quoted myself on. That might be a bad assumption since you are the recipient.

That's not me contradicting myself. That's you not being able to follow a conversation.

Let me break down a couple points:

1) Straight, healthy males with working libidos want to fuck attractive women that aren't related to them. There are no exceptions. If you think you are an exception, then you failed one or more of the qualifications I listed. Period.

2) Men are typically far more intelligent than most women. This is a scientific fact as well as easily observed by most people that don't have their heads up their ass.

3) Because of the intelligence gap between most men and most women, as well as OTHER biological limitations/differences of women, men are far more capable of in-depth political or otherwise meaningful conversations that most women are not, which is partly why I said that I could only stand conversations with women for short periods of time. They get emotional very quickly, take things personal even when they aren't even a target, and can't follow rational logic well.

4) Further supporting #3: MOST women just aren't as interested in what the vast majority of men are interested in. I can't count how many times in my life I've either personally been talking to a woman or saw another guy talking to a woman about something remotely technical and within seconds, they don't give a shit or can't follow it. It takes a special type of tomboy to care and even then, they struggle to participate.

5) With all of that said, the idea that you can have "a bunch" of female friends who are "just like a guy" is an abject lie, because of all of the reasons I listed and also if they're are attractive, then you aren't just their friend (see #1).

6) If you see "many" or "most" women as intelligent, that's probably because you're not. There are plenty of really dumb men out there and you might be one of them. This isn't rocket science.
Males have larger brains than females, even when corrected for body size, and brain size is positively correlated with intelligence. This leads to the expectation that males should have higher average levels of intelligence than females. Yet the consensus view is that there is no sex difference in general intelligence. An examination of the literature shows that the consensus view is wrong. Among adults, males have slightly higher verbal and reasoning abilities than females and a more pronounced superiority on spatial abilities. If the three abilities are combined to form general intelligence, the mean for males is 4 IQ points higher than the mean for females. Among children up to the age of around 14 yr the sex differences are smaller because girls mature earlier than boys. The evolutionary selection pressures responsible for greater intelligence in males are discussed.

Val is right
Straight men and women cannot be strictly friends from both sides if there is any attractiveness whatsoever on either side. The second there is attractiveness, there is sexual desire, therefore you are no longer "just friends." If you are a straight male (with a working libido) and your "friend" is fucking hot, you are 100000000% thinking about fucker her probably all the time. If you aren't, you're either a fucking liar, for absolutely no reason other than to feel like you have "control" over that, or you have ZERO libido, which makes you a broken male and I feel bad for you.

I don't agree. I can see how some awkward dude who is not used to being around attractive women could think this. Before I settled down with my wife, who was my GF for about a decade I had lots of hot women who were just friends. I didn't need to want to have sex with them cause I had sex on tap with their friends.

This is the simple trick... If she's sexy and she invites you into her bedroom to watch her try on a few outfits to wear on the way out, you don't have to come onto her.. you just keep something in your mind about her that is annoying and that stops you from wanting to stick your dick in her. My libido is huge. I'm like a nympho. Some of them are nymphos. I'd get absolutely graphic detail about their sex lives they wouldn't tell their girlfriends. If you give your dick away to all of them it reduces value. You get power from being around them. It attracts women.

I don't think you've had the experience to know. Like getting a call to attend with one of them to family planning to get an abortion, or being asked to give them away at their wedding, or taking one of them to visit their dead mom in the cemetery almost every year. You don't have to root these women, they are friends.
well nmag apparently lives on planet GAY with all the other FAGS who don't want SEX with HOT LAYDEES

i live on planet midlife incel

mitch is on planet dubai
For something like 30 years, Marilyn vos Savant was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as having the Highest IQ. Can Ellen please asplain that
She was probably swallowing Mr Guiness up to the bollocks

that would probably guarantee a page of 'whatever the fuck you want darling' in the book