Do you get along better with women or men?

I generally get along better with women than men, mainly because I'm more of an intellectual and most guys I know seem only interested in drinking, gambling, sports, or any combination of the three.

It's a moot point though since a lot of women are also pretty stupid, but they're more tolerable.

thats just your game and its weak game
i dont see how shopping is more tolerable than sports and drinking

but okay dude

if you are all right with being their gay friend
i wonder how many of these nerds pretend they're better friends with girls than guys because they're stuck on so many friend zones and can't escape its their only mechanism for making them feel less shitty

take it this way, if your best friend is a girl, then something isn't right

girls are there to fuck and suck you off and better your ego
guys are there to rip you down, have intelligent conversations with, and keep you on an even keel
i wonder how many of these nerds pretend they're better friends with girls than guys because they're stuck on so many friend zones and can't escape its their only mechanism for making them feel less shitty

take it this way, if your best friend is a girl, then something isn't right

girls are there to fuck and suck you off and better your ego
guys are there to rip you down, have intelligent conversations with, and keep you on an even keel


This, combined with your other thread.

So much makes sense now.
yeah it makes sense that i'm a guy and not some pussy whipped queer that tries to marry every girl that he fucks
guy friends suggest going out and trying ridiculously hard to chase pussy around with little to no success

girl friends suggest life enhancing activities that excersize the mind and spirit
on average, women. i can befriend a woman very easily; probably because i'm incompetent with flirting and come off rather benign compared to other males... so yeah i'm always "the friend"

but my closest friends are men.
women are fuckin stupid, and most men are too. if that answers the question which it doesnt :p