Do you feel grown up?

19, and nope. feel like an overgrown kid, and lovin life

hoping to move to LA in about 9 months or so, and also planning to go backpacking.
i think when you start earning your own living and providing for yourself completely, you've reached that status. that lack of a plausible safety net really gives "adulthood" its weight

I have a 60k per year job, and I've gone up about 20k in about a year and a half. I'm self sufficient as far as money goes, have paid taxes, have had sex with a female, hell I've even written a (bad) novel.

I'd done all the things a man should do. But I don't feel like one in the slightest. Most of the time I feel like a phony about to be exposed at any moment.

I'm confident I'm living my life more or less the right way, but I swear it still seems like I'm a teenager just faking my way through it all.
yes, i haven't lived at home since i was 16 and out of college on my own and completely financially independent at 20, so yeah i guess i feel grown up :shrug:

i'm still a kid at heart though. i have a stuffed moose and shit :lol:

Still got your V-plates?


Nope. I went for a long time with my V-plates. I went out for a long time with a virgin girl and never pressured her at all... and she never gave me any :p

After we broke up, I'd had enough, went out and met a girl and said "I'm gonna fuck this chick," told her she was beatiful and I respected her and wanted to be with her and blah blah all the standard bullshit.

Next day I was no longer a virgin. Perfect behaviour failed. Being an asshole worked.

To be honest, turning my back on months of "perfect gentlemanly behaviour" made me feel like more of a child. But at least I no longer have my V-plates.
23 and I feel like an adult albeit a retarded one, I still need my dad to explain adult stuff like aspects of finance and banking etc to me all the time.

Edit: You early 20 somethings want to feel old? go back to your highschool.
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yes, i haven't lived at home since i was 16 and out of college on my own and completely financially independent at 20, so yeah i guess i feel grown up :shrug:

i'm still a kid at heart though. i have a stuffed moose and shit :lol:

how can you be financially independent and not afford any shirts with sleeves you dumb gook
24, still don't feel like an adult, I kind of thought that there was some kind of place marker that you'd be just be like an adult, and your perspective of the world would be forever altered, it's a myth.
Why? At what point did you begin to think "I'm not a kid anymore" and really believe it?

Marriage, mortgage, and career
I pretty much work all the time, even when I am not at work, on the weekend I may go hiking or do something fun but in general have pretty grown up life.

As far as not “being a kid anymore” I never really felt like a kid, I had to grow up pretty fast. I don’t feel as young as I used to because physically I can feel it, I don’t run as fast as I used too, I don’t heal as quickly etc etc

Now I am not saying I am old, far from it I am just not young as I once was, and I am aware of that.