Do people still use ICQ?

I've had a few girlfriends tell me they used to meet people from ICQ chats and shit... I used it forever ago in the TSN days but I am certain there is no way to recover my old number although seeing others post there numbers gives me vague flashbacks to mine... Fucking weird.
4721660. You kids and your eight- and nine-digit numbers! Newbs. I am online every day; Pidgin logs me into all my IM accounts.
109963. I still have it configured in Trillian and a handful of my contacts still use it, but I never talk to them.
i fired up icq with a friend as a joke to see if anyone we knew from hs still uses it

no one does

starting the next day, my gmail was being hit by at least 25 spam emails a day

Why the fuck do I still remember that after well over a decade? :huh:
I can't remember my number. But I did hook up with quite a few chicks via ICQ back in the day.


ZOMG! One of the Chicks I hooked up with is online!!!11 And there are also like 4 people I played tribes with.
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I still have it, and log into it through digsby.

Nobody I know has logged on in probably 3 years though.

It's all facebook and texts now.
holy shit, i haven't used that in forever. i'll have to find out what my number is/was