Do Liberals Really Like Charles Darwin?

the say so.....


Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man Page 113

but do they support this?

Is it science?

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yeah you're a cuck

sorry dawg


where is blackpeople with the mop bucket of REEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee's

cael with some more ching chonging

we are having another opposites bizarro day

maybe we get coombz to call someone soy boy beta

maybe we get dweasel and amadeus to throw pedo at someone
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Also - everyone knows that the left only likes evolution because they can use it to support abortion and post up against the church. Now, if you start poking around too close with our association to monkeys and apes - watch out.
I could ask you the same question

I don't post nearly as much as tele

like one post will spawn 10 from him...often in a row

I don't talk politics on an internet gaming forum because it is boring and meaningless (you're not going to change anyone's mind)

I do like the topic of evolution mostly because I don't know why anyone would deny it, with that said nobody's mind on an internet gaming forum will be changed based on said conversation.

Tipping threads are more fun.