Did I get hacked somehow?


Veteran XX
So my step father got an email today that says it is from me (my full name) but not from my email address. The entire message was:

"Hey. how are you? good story http: / / w w w .imaarchitects. com.au/vk/"
^^^don't click^^^

He didn't click the link, and I am not going to either. he forwarded the message to me. the email came from an email address @student.swosu.edu. southwestern oklahoma university. He lives in oklahoma. I don't. I dunno if that person's email got hacked. how they got my name, and my step father's email.

Any clues TW?
someone with poor internet discipline had there address book compromised and you must be on there. Happens all the time to me because of craigslist. Usually someone who bought parts from me. months later I get some random email from them with links. I just add them to my spam list.
someone with poor internet discipline had there address book compromised and you must be on there. Happens all the time to me because of craigslist. Usually someone who bought parts from me. months later I get some random email from them with links. I just add them to my spam list.

Then how did they get my stepfather's email?

other than my mom I doubt there is anyone who would have both of us in their contacts list.
Spoofed email address and they just spam the fuck out of domains with probable combinations.
Then how did they get my stepfather's email?

other than my mom I doubt there is anyone who would have both of us in their contacts list.

I am not sure exactly how it works, and there is probably hundreds of different scenarios. It used to happen a lot when people would send me chain emails fwd:fwd:fwd bullshit. I deleted my email accounts and created new ones for just business dealings which really slowed it down. No matter how hard I tried, I could not stop family and friends from sending the crap. So now I do not share my email anymore with friends or family, that is what my phone is for.

Now I occasionally get it from a sales contact which I just delete.
Then how did they get my stepfather's email?

other than my mom I doubt there is anyone who would have both of us in their contacts list.

BCC, not CC when sending shit. Someone always forwards, and it ends up in a compromised email box.
University e-mail systems are getting hacked all the time. The spammers are getting smart and put up a targeted attack. They spam the entire campus with some stupid "your e-mail account has been suspended - click here to confirm your password". Dumb fucks click on it then they use a web client to spam the world.

We have to have captcha on our web email system now because of these morons. :ftard:
Actually unless you look at headers the email address it shows is probably not the right one. That being said yeah university accounts are compromised all the time. I wouldn't say hacked because the university IT folks are just idiots.