depech mode

LostDuck said:
I also have a pic from when I went to the Los Angeles Tower Records signing deal for the album release of Violator. Depeche Mode was there and what was expected to be a few hundred people turned into a riot. (15k plus people if I remember correctly). was a hot summers day in Hollywood...close to 90 degrees...and I am in a black tanktop and black leather pants. :lol:

Funny, I was there also, but it was at The Wherehouse at the Beverly Center.
ZuN said:
Funny, I was there also, but it was at The Wherehouse at the Beverly Center. are right. No wonder I couldn't find anything on it when I was google-ing right now. I kept searching Tower Records.

Wow...I was pretty right on with the numbers according to this snippet:

After its release in 1990, a promo tour to publicise the upcoming live shows demonstrated Depeche Mode's massive appeal when a predicted few hundred fans turned into approximately 15,000 who crammed themselves into Wherehouse Records in Los Angeles to see their heroes sign copies of the new record.
I bought Unsound Methods by Recoil some time ago, dirt cheap, and I think it's alright. Wonder why Alan Wilder left DM? "Musical differences"?