Deciding on your job...


Veteran XV
Job A: You've worked here for a few years during college and have gotten to know the people fairly well. The people are friendly and the work is great. You'd be placed in a management program that is a few years long bouncing from department to department learning the ins and outs, then decide on the best fit. The base salary is low for what's expected.

Job B: You've never worked here but the industry and job description are similar to your previous work at Job A. The two people you interviewed with are personable guys and it wasn't one of those psychological bullshit interviews. You are required to move to a city foreign to you but ~2 hours from hometown and ~2.5 hours from your college town. Most of the work is done out of the office by conference calls or job site visits. There is no introductory program. The base salary is ~%50 higher than Job A's.

Hypothetical of course.

Rayn, please make this an official poll.

Thank you for your time.
# cast thorn
# cast thorn
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# cast thorn
# cast thorn
A lot of people will probably say B.

Most people would actually go with A.

Without hindsite, there isn't a 'right' answer, but here's what happens to 90% of the people that go with A.

They do it out of comfort. Sure, the optimisitic youth have casted their glazed over eyes on the 'magical' compound interest charts and past statistical returns on index funds, and made mental notes about how they are going to be the ones making all the smart financial decisions, playing it safe, and biding their time until that magic day they are 50 year old retired millionaires, ready to live it up... :rofl:

Most of them are going to end up delusionally happy that they are 'on their way' to six figures, mostly with the help of inflation. They'll get their house and yard and they'll honestly be so comfortable they'll never even realize their really just average, because hey, they were happy last year and they got a raise this year!

Any real progress will be cutoff by having to play it safe because of real responsibilities(family) and they'll have to take a step back between 30-50 when they realize they'll have to spend some of that money on things that can only be enjoyed while young, and that's the ones that don't get eat up with divorce.

All that's assuming we don't keep moving towards a more progressive taxation system, like we are now. Being at the top will still be a breeze of course, but climbing to the top will be much harder.
Job C: measuring the amount of air that flows through the vaginas of roethlisberger's rape victims

should be a very good industry for years to come
is job B gauranteed management style?
is job A seemingly more secure/stable?

Job A seems nifty in terms of management training and a skill set you can take with you should the need arise (fired)
Job B is sink or swim (which is a great way to learn btw) and a higher salary, but if it's more of a roller coaster of stability and retention...then i dunno
people would probably like 2 years manager experience over 6 months

moving is also always good
Go with B or C. "C" being getting into a profession that you enjoy and aren't just doing because of comfort.

1. You are young and can afford to make a mistake or two.
2. Experience with a new city and new company is always a benefit
Job B definitely, but it would be better if you could be even further away from home. and like fantred said, don't eat up with divorce.
how to get pahn trade?

pan (spanish for bread) trade (from tred aka tank tread)

ph = f
phan like swan? so pahn? where'd the ph sound go

its a 100% made up word, i dont use it anywhere but here, i used to own google searches

apparently someone on ebay uses it now, fucking weird
it's only from, oh I don't know, probably the most well reguarded literary work of the last century

You're referencing 20th century literature on an Internet forum revolving around a now defunct video game franchise.

Which one is clueless again?
wait what
you reference some amazing best in the 20th century literature, then skirt the issue and say YOU made it up and owned google searches, which mjoe has confirmed point to you being gay

what the fuck are you talking about
go with the one that has more long-term opportunities

if those are equal then pick the job in the field with more growth potential

don't settle for a higher salary and limited opportunities in the short term if it kills your long term potential