Data's lolerlaserplane t3st

Data claims here that the ABL (that's air farce lingo for "air borne laser") can shoot down ballistic missiles from a range of 150 Km.

It did no such thing. The "authoritative links" that Data posted was nothing more than Air Farce/Boeing marketing BS. Since then we ave been waiting for the ominous August testing. And here we are :)

So this is the thread where we can post the lolerlaserplane test results. I am looking for FACTUAL DATA not claims, not cool air farce jargon. I can provide all of that here:
Laser Jet Zaps Animated Missiles, Spouts Jargon
enjoy some CGI. And a healthy heap of jargon, with phrases like, "through Link 16 network-centric communication
and the C2BMC system, ABL notifies the rest of the BMDS system."

So let's list the lolerlaserplane facts. Hopefully this time, as opposed to the ground based (lmao) test of last April, that this time the plane will actually destroy a missile, traveling at least mach 6 from a distance greater than 10 Km (although the specs call for a 150 Km range).

Please post test results below. Thank you :)
You're a fucking faggot.

How's that for facts?

Am I providing enough FACTUAL DATA with this post?
if a plane is on a treadmill moving at the speed of light, and fires a laser in the opposite direction, does the laser move or not
I was pretty certain I had you on pignore because your stupidity was just so incredible it physically hurt to read your posts.
Who the fuck are you to question the Lt. Commander?

When he says fire the tachyon beam , you'd better fire the gawd damned tachyon beam!
You got owned and pawned Data. Now you're suffering a pissy/hissy/whiny bitch fit. That was expected.

You should of admitting to simply being an Air Farce fanboi and cut your losses.
But no, you kept saying the ABL destroyed a missile from 150 kilometers away. :shrug:

Then posting your "authoritative links" which were nothing but a Boeing Marketing Brochure was quite laughable.
So I suppose I should thank you for providing me with such amusing material. :)

I called you on you and your employers BS and you decided to keep shovelling a deeper hole.
I suspect you may still be inclined to keep shovelling?

It became really sad when a bunch of vet++ bandwaggoned your defense.
They too suffer from a serious lack of reading and comprehension skills.

So why does the US taxpayer put up with such extravagant waste of tax dollars?
Here's some more wasteful Pentagon Star wars dreams:
[list of] Pentagon laser programs by arsin - TribalWar Forums
I think I will fill this thread with silly cat pictures.

One thing Data hates, is being called out with facts, boy does he hate it.

If you think this is a successful "call out" or that there are any accurate "facts" coming from arsin, you're just as stupid as he is.

At which point you should probably re-evaluate your life.