Daily Show and libtards on abortion/rape

hey guys take this survey i have to complete for my gender issues and inequality class in my womans studies program

have u ever felt pressured to have sex?
did you ever have sex and regret it?
have you ever had sex while drunk?

if so you have been raped
all of the women in porn or that work at a strip club or r escorts etc

they r all getting raped

they r raped by patriarchy becuz they are being forced to be sex objects by horrible horrible men

the women that post in gonewild: over 18? r brainwashed by patriarchy to be sex objects

how do we stop this rape culture????
well i definitely learned something in this thread

(i used to think tehvul was the craziest person TW)
oh another thread with validuz posting 2x as much as any other poster in order to prove to himself that he's right

just another day in the life of a fullsail grad

He never graduated... Couldn't afford to :lol:

This thread is slightly ironic since Validud will never have sex and so no woman will have to worry about an abortion after an encounter with him
Lets say (for argument sake) that only 1% of "legitimate" rape victims get pregnant. I guess that number would be small enough that its not even worth discussing with the current GOP as the woman in the clip your talking about was trying to point out.

So the point they are making is that only 1% of a selection of people (woman who are rape victims) are not worth discussing because 1% of a selection should not interfere with the vast majority of people.

Interesting, I seem remember Obama trying to get a specific selection of people to do something....and those 1% cried fowl about how unfair it was to treat them differently from the rest of the population.

BTW OP, I am a former republican so don't call me a libtard. I just find it insane that somebody might actually succeed to buying the most powerful position in the world. (He outspent every rival combined during his nomination campaign)

....dont even get me started on the rest of his issues. If your interested read the the McCain paper that was written about Romney during his vetting process four years go. I am not saying liberals are perfect or that Obama was a great president, Obama is just the lesser of two evils.
Free to choose...do i have to pay for it as a tax payer and do religious orgs have to support it in ANY SORT OF WAY?

If you say that i have to pay for it you can get fucked.

As a tax payer you abort your fair share of lives, you just want to feel good about not doing it in the womb...kill the bastards after their outside the womb... fuck'em.

So if you don't care if they live outside the womb why do you care if they live to be born inside the womb?
You can't calculate percentages using data from different studies and surveys, especially if you don't know the criteria or methodologies involved. The results just won't make any sense.

The data Val is quoting is likely the average from the two government sources, the NCVS and the FBI, but there's some problems with treating these two sources as absolute canon.

Among them is the fact that the FBI data only count reported rapes and even then, only the ones that fit their specific definition of violent rapes. Meaning most if not all incidents involving drugs like ketamine, GHB, Rohypnol, etc or even plain regular alcohol won't be on there. That definition only changed recently (I think this year in fact), so meaningful data from the government won't even be available until next year at the absolute earliest and realistically not for several years.

The NCVS statistics have their own problems, namely that their methods of data collection is so suspect that there's little confidence in their accuracy in the scientific community. This is enough of a problem that the government have ordered a National Statistics panel to convene and develop better methodologies and until that is complete and a new set of data is collected, the NCVS statistics can't be considered anywhere near accurate.

Now, Kilpatrick's study, the source of the 30k pregnancies estimate likely have its own problems, but since I no longer have access to institutional full text databases, I can't check on their data. You'd need to know their sample sizes, how the sample was drawn and their other methodologies to make any meaningful comment on the study's validity. But until their results are colloborated by other independent studies, I'd consider their results suspect as well.

Bottom line, the data you guys want to argue about doesn't even really exist in any meaningful sense at the moment, but ignoring that, it's still sheer idiocy to attempt mathematics on studies that were not even counting the same populations.
You can't calculate percentages using data from different studies and surveys, especially if you don't know the criteria or methodologies involved. The results just won't make any sense.

The data Val is quoting is likely the average from the two government sources, the NCVS and the FBI, but there's some problems with treating these two sources as absolute canon.

Among them is the fact that the FBI data only count reported rapes and even then, only the ones that fit their specific definition of violent rapes. Meaning most if not all incidents involving drugs like ketamine, GHB, Rohypnol, etc or even plain regular alcohol won't be on there. That definition only changed recently (I think this year in fact), so meaningful data from the government won't even be available until next year at the absolute earliest and realistically not for several years.

The NCVS statistics have their own problems, namely that their methods of data collection is so suspect that there's little confidence in their accuracy in the scientific community. This is enough of a problem that the government have ordered a National Statistics panel to convene and develop better methodologies and until that is complete and a new set of data is collected, the NCVS statistics can't be considered anywhere near accurate.

Now, Kilpatrick's study, the source of the 30k pregnancies estimate likely have its own problems, but since I no longer have access to institutional full text databases, I can't check on their data. You'd need to know their sample sizes, how the sample was drawn and their other methodologies to make any meaningful comment on the study's validity. But until their results are colloborated by other independent studies, I'd consider their results suspect as well.

Bottom line, the data you guys want to argue about doesn't even really exist in any meaningful sense at the moment, but ignoring that, it's still sheer idiocy to attempt mathematics on studies that were not even counting the same populations.

See, this is the kind of post where you should be able to end with a "fucking retards" and be absolutely justified.