Daily Science Thread

Jesus wasn't even promoted to a deity until circa 300 A. D.



" Earlier this year, after countless documented cases since the 1940s, Asperger’s disappeared as an official diagnosis, at least according to the latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) used by clinicians."

“The trouble with Asperger’s is everybody thinks they know it when they see it."
Jews are who are supposed to designate the next Messiah and they didn't point to Jesus as him.

..before we even get to Jesus saying he'd return during the life time of his disciples.
Jews are who are supposed to designate the next Messiah and they didn't point to Jesus as him.

hahahahahahahaha what

ya a whole bunch of christians just appeared out of nowhere

oh well i guess the new testament doesn't spend any time addressing that, does it?
explain the demotion of john the baptist then :roller:

what do you mean demotion? iirc jesus never spoke higher of anyone than he did of john the baptist. and john was a precursor to Jesus who was killed in the middle of jesus' years of ministry, so I'm not sure how he could be demoted (and by whom).
icfire I know you are vehemently opposed to reading and anything that resembles it but check out the gospel of matthew, it covers a lot of what you are ignorant of in this matter
hey so this is a science thread

what do jews and jesus have to do with science

creationist bullshit was disproved years ago

I want to read about super cool sci-fi shit
what do you mean demotion? iirc jesus never spoke higher of anyone than he did of john the baptist. and john was a precursor to Jesus who was killed in the middle of jesus' years of ministry, so I'm not sure how he could be demoted (and by whom).

from matthew --> john he goes from being a divinely inspired teacher of jesus who baptised him into the ways of the lord to some goober who took off his shoes, bowed down before him and watched as god made the clouds open and the sun shine down on jesus and told john that jesus was his boss

John the Baptist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

why? because each gospel has its own job to do in terms of who it's addressing and who it's presenting its case re: the divinity of jesus to

john got demoted because john's sect was older and more established than the new christian sect, and in a religion that (supposedly, but that's another question for another day) depends on apostolic succession, and in a political climate where multiple people are being presented as the messiah (before AND after jesus), you need to get lines of succession sorted out

john's believers were direct competitors of the early church, so you get successive rewrites

this is just one example and I'm cribbing basically from zealot, but it's really very crucial that the idea of audiences in an academic sense is driven home :roller:

I can't help what you are ignorant of.

'jews decide the messiah jews didnt' nominate jesus as messiah'

different jews nominated a whole bunch of jews as the messiah, that's the whole fucking problem

the main difference between orthodox judaism and the various messianic sects that have come and gone through the years is that orthodoxy doesn't recognise anyone as the messiah, because their messiah would be more or less space hitler and/or paul atreides

so yes, 'jews didn't nominate jesus as messiah', but the people who nominated jesus as messiah were really, really religious jews, christianity is a judaic sect that went critical and super-developed after the initial schism what the fuck is wrong with you never mind
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No, it's hey look jesus wasn't a christian.

wow holy shit so deep so profound so unique i bet you came upon that realisation all by yourself

reminds me of the time i saw some kid in filmschool having a go @ one of the freshmen for using the word 'movies' instead of cinema

what do you think cinema means in greek dickhead :roller:
I want to read about super cool sci-fi shit

It is super cool science shit if you watch the video I posted a page ago. They use science to prove many of the events happened naturally. For example, a burning bush can happen if a gas pocket ignites under it. The people looking at the bush would not see what caused the fire. Same thing with the geysers in Yellow Stone, or volcanoes. The plagues were explained as bad food sources, there were 10 of them.
wow holy shit so deep so profound so unique i bet you came upon that realisation all by yourself

reminds me of the time i saw some kid in filmschool having a go @ one of the freshmen for using the word 'movies' instead of cinema

what do you think cinema means in greek dickhead :roller:

whine for us mucky, whine.

Jews were to name the messiah, they didn't name Jesus. He didn't fulfill the requirements.


Lets ignore he said he'd be back in his disciples life time as well.

he ded dude
who are 'the jews'

do you mean 'the jewish mainstream' ????

as usual your lack of coherency and tendency towards self-congratulation after every half-made 'point' makes it difficult to have a discussion w/ you

oh, and jews name messiahs all the time:

Jewish Messiah claimants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

edit: what's mind-boggling here is that christians are jews who named jesus the messiah

if you want to go down this road, israel and the people who still self-identify as 'the jews' are the last hold-out weird stubborn fuckers who refuse to go w/ the mainstream
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what are you even saying :psyduck:

in response to my best effort guess at what you might be trying to say: I'm a cultural theorist and a christian i don't restrict myself to reading about religion from sites like your jewfaq.org