D&D Thread II

Question the half elf instantly. Also, I stare my father down and wonder why he has summoned me out of my awesome whore party clenching my axe and shield in each hand if there is a fight to be had.

DM: Do I have maps on how to get the Dales? If I don't I'm asking for those to be included in drop.

Yenman, if I need to travel to The Dales do you prefer speed or discretion?

DM: if he says speed then I'll ask for money for a carriage since I'm not sure what mounts a halfling fits that would also be fast. If discretion I'll attempt to join a caravan or open party going there or through there.

Yenman, say I do find out who the Grand Mage is sending and what is the purpose of the trip, do you want me to take additional actions or am I to report and stand by? Am I working alone on this or will there be support in The Dales or joining me soon? Do we know how large a party is being sent and will I be expecting danger?

DM: It appears that the Grand Mage and the Towers Arcana are in or near my location, if they are I'd like to go stake them out and see what's over there.

Player: You come originally from Shadowdale, the most famous city in the The Dalelands. So you indeed know how to get there (about a week by horse). Common modes of travel, even for a halfling, include: pony, merchant caravan, carriage/coach or walking. The fastest mode would be a carriage. The safest would be a trade caravan. Slowest (and most dangerous): walking.

Yenmen Moonshadow said:
You may only need to go to The Dalelands if you cannot gather the requested information before the Tower's envoy departs.

We do not know the purpose of this mission or the size of the party being sent. This is information we are expecting you to discover.

Once you have the information, report to me immediately. Depending on what our employer wants to do, we will proceed from there.

Be vigilant my friend.

The egg's glowing runes fade. There is silence. You tuck the object back into your tunic pocket.

By foot, the Tower Arcana, is a couple of hours. You know from previous efforts to surveil the Towers that the only road in or out of Arcana leads directly through town. A mission to stake-out the tower would be as easily accomplished by keeping an eye on the road coming in from the mage towers.

The least conspicuous location you can find that is close enough to keep a careful watch over the road from Arcana is at a tavern called the The Lion's Pride. Outside of the Pride, near the front entrance are benches up against the building. One bench is occupied by an unconscious drunkard, sprawled out and snoring.

You take a seat at one of the benches and try to get comfortable. You have no idea how long this might take.

To be continued...
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Question the half elf instantly. Also, I stare my father down and wonder why he has summoned me out of my awesome whore party clenching my axe and shield in each hand if there is a fight to be had.

You give the half-elf an inquisitive look. He remains silent. You do not have your axe or your shield. You are standing half naked in your father's court.

Lord Captain Orleff said:
I have requested your Lord father's support. We need someone to lead a dispatch of men to The Dalelands. Your Lord Father has recommended that you lead this party.

Lord Shitwizard I said:
Yes, yes... it is time that you build a name for yourself. I have assured the good Lord Captain that despite your outward appearance and manner that, within, there is an officer and leader of dwarves struggling to be free.

You will take these men (dwarves) to The Dales and do whatever it is that the Lord Captain requires of you.

Lord Captain Orleff turns to the half-elf

Lord Captain Orleff said:
Aldren, if you would please explain to the Lords your situation?

Aldren Silverthorn said:
Certainly, Lord Captain. My father Maraj Silverthorn, when he was a young lad, was great friends with High Lord Onyxarm, they had many adventures together.

Recently, my father passed away leaving his tower, along with all of it's contents, to me as my inheritance. When I arrived at the tower, I found that bandits had already taken up residence. I barely escaped with my life.

I knew nowhere else to go to for help. The High Lord, being one of my father's closest friends, I thought it would be right to let him know what has become of his friend and his property.

The Lord Captain turns to you

Lord Captain Orleff said:
At High Lord Onyxarm's request, I have arranged for two of my men and a scout to accompany you and Aldren on this mission to liberate Silverthorn's tower from this scum , these... robbers. Your men will report to you at the barracks by noon prepared and ready to embark on this quest.

Lord Shitwizard, your leave sir? I must go and make additional arrangements.

Lord Shitwizard I said:
Very well, Lord Captain

The Lord Captain and Alderan Silverthorn turn and leave the room.

Your father looks over to you.

Lord Shitwizard I said:
Well? Anything to say

What do you do?
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Lord Shitwizard I said:
You will go. You will lead these men. You will make the Shitwizard name PROUD. hah hahaha ha!

Just try to be at the barrack by noon. Think you can handle that?

What now?

I will, any order placed before me by my father will be followed.

You arrive at the barracks along with your retainers: a squire named Jamian Soulaxe, a messenger named Horster Saphhiredge, and a personal attendant named Vician Dagarkin.

As you do not see any dwarves or Aldren Silverthorn mustered outside the barracks you assume that you are the first to arrive. Tethered along a hitching post are six ponies and two horses, saddled, equipped and ready for travel.

Lord Captain Orleff approaches:
Lord Captain Orleff said:
I see the beasts have been prepared. It is good. You should depart as soon as you've assembled and addressed your men.

You wait for the others to arrive.
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... 5 hours earlier ...


As the morning sun finally crests the horizon you can no longer sleep. In a few hours you will be on the road, if there is anything that you feel needs to be done before you embark, now is the time to do it. Otherwise, be outside the barracks by noon ready to go.

what do you do?
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thank kaleb again for his generosity. i guess i'll leave tomorrow morning, unless it's still really early today, in which i'll leave as soon as possible. what's the benefit to hiring a coach? i think i'd prefer to just ride a horse if it doesn't make much difference.

obviously i want to gather all my gear (i assume i already have it?) with me before i leave, as well as take anything else i might find in easy access at the towers. if there's anyone else i might want to talk to before i'd leave let's do that as well.

Kaleb said:
I will have a horse saddled and ready for you by sunrise tomorrow. If I don't see you again before you leave, have a good journey.

You leave the bursar's office and return to your living quarters, a fairly large room in one of the other towers used as a dormitory.

You find a couple of maps that could be useful. Your current location: several miles south west of Tilverton. Daggerdale is the region north of Tilverton around Dagger Falls. That is your destination.


You gather all of our gear (the equipment listed on your character sheet), everything is neatly packed and ready to go. The satchel of coins and your personal money bag are stowed away. In your back pack, or on your belt. The only thing left to do: get some sleep. Tomorrow your adventure begins.

player: The benefit of riding in a carriage is that you don't need to be proficient with mounted animals. It's more of a luxurious form of travel. You're nestled away in a form of "stage coach", leaving the driving to other men, allowing you to relax on your journey. Usually when you stop for the night a campfire cooked meal is provided for the passengers. The team of men who handle the coach can sometimes be bribed into traveling day and night, significantly decreasing travel time. This can only be done over relatively short distances, however. Team horses aren't machines.

To be continued...
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... also one month ago...


It is 4 a.m. You sit at a desk in the guard shack next to the gates just inside of your dwarven hold. Recently promoted to Sergeant, you find yourself on guard duty as acting "Commander of the Watch", a post normally reserved for one of your Lieutenants. As you watch the flickering light of a candle, which illuminates the confining room you find yourself in, you contemplate your sorry existence. How often have you pulled this shit duty in the last month?

You're startled slightly when the heavy door slams open and a soldier quickly enters the room and the steps aside allowing a grizzled war-hardened looking dwarf to enter.

The Lord Captain turns and leaves you.


Ask Goshin to get my stuff ready, weapons, gear, food and our horses
Inspect the ponies and horses while idly making small talk with Jamain, Horster, and Vician passing the time while waiting for the rest of the men to assemble at the barracks.
I grab the sergeants stuff, and put on my stuff and pack up the rest i cant wear. Then i give the stuff to Gorlax and put my pack on and walk towards the barracks
I will follow the soldiers out to the road with my swords and crossbow, preparing for battle at any time.

I will think about my old friend at bard camp, Mitchcampus, the half-elf bard of Dubai and wish he was here to help me fight. One time at bard camp, we drank a whole barrel of meade together and got the overbardcampfurher's horse and put it in his office.