Current news thread

Valid point by Bee

GAZA — Terrorists across the globe faced the bitter reality today that if they rape and murder hundreds of women, the United Nations will give them a country to operate and billions of dollars.

"Today, we have put terrorists on notice," declared Secretary General António Guterres to the United Nations General Assembly. "Let it be known that the consequences of mass rape and murder will be swift, and in the form of cash."

Terrorist organizations reeled from the shocking news, stunned by the United Nation's dramatic action. "My English not so good, let me be sure I understand," said terrorist Mohammed Deif. "We do nothing, get no money. We rape women, United Nations give us money? You are sure?" asked Deif, clearly dazed by the harsh new reality. "And you say if shoot children, we get to run country? Well, okay... if we must go rape women and shoot kids, we must. Bye-bye."

The Biden administration has thrown its full support behind the move, vowing to hunt down every single terrorist and personally give them a suitcase of cash. "We will not sit idly by as ruthless barbarians film themselves raping women and butchering children," declared Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. "We will ensure those murderous psychopaths receive their just due - a country to plan more attacks from, and the cash for more ammo and GoPro cameras. There will no more warnings, only cash."

At publishing time, billionaire terrorist leaders living in Qatar had learned the devastating news that they would be receiving millions more dollars for their role in financing mass rape.
Reality is harsh in Martha's Vineyard.

The mind bottles at this part of the report:
Jared Ravizza, a 26-year-old resident of the Martha's Vineyard town of Chilmark, was arrested Saturday night and is being treated at South Shore Hospital in Weymouth for non-life-threatening injuries, the Plymouth County District Attorney's Office announced Sunday.

Braintree police said a man came into the AMC Braintree 10 at 121 Grandview Ave. at about 6 p.m. Saturday and proceeded past the ticket counter without paying.

According to police, that man entered one of the theaters and encountered four girls between the ages of 9 and 17.

"Without saying anything and without any warning, he suddenly attacked and stabbed the four young females," reads a statement from the Braintree Police Department. "The attack appeared to be unprovoked. After the attack, the man ran out of the theater and left in a vehicle.

At least the attack against those little girls appears to be unprovoked.


Looks like he could be in a hair band. Drove a Porsche Macan to the crime scenes.
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I'm sure it would have stayed local
if it had been a white Christian nationalist Trump supporter
and not a siko tranny
I'm going to stop posting worthless links
Pope Francis allegedly told Italian bishops to not permit gay men to train for the priesthood, with two Italian newspapers claiming that the 87-year-old pontiff made a homophobic slur in a closed-door meeting last week.
so wat ur saying is it turns out boombers r the only ones who kno the truth about how the world works and the globalists etc.

Their parents lived through WW2.

good point

their parents claim "greatest generation" status 4 fighting to undermine western civilization, literally raping and looting their way across western europe and in the usmc's case okinawa, then having gone on 2 fail miserably at raising their kids (boombers) resulting in the most selfish and destructive generation ever seen in human history

that's what's smart: be a fking criminal and a thug and a deadbeat parent, then convince ur kids and grandkids ur the greatest generation
also don't forget tucking tail between ur legs and running 4 the west as soon as ur face 2 face w/ the red army, then spending decades talking trash 2 them like as if u didn't punk out like the shook lil stolen valor bitches u rly r
