[CS:S] Best Score (nohax)

What does my ability in CS:S have to do with the fact you died 4 times to newbs when you are claiming ownage. You couldn't even kill 2 a round when only one guy on the other team had a better kill ratio than 1:1.

Why don't YOU post some pics of 24-4 esque scores when the teams are somewhat balanced.

If you don't want to be called out, next time don't pound your chest after beating up on newbs.
it's not exactly hard to have a good score when the opposing team is ALL newbies. it's like a rush to see who can kill them first.
I started this thread to see what other people were getting as good scores, not to "beat my chest" about owning random CS players. You just have to be a high and mighty fuckass. I'm not going to argue about this because you will just keep coming back with an elitist attitude like all of the other "veterans" on this forum. Can't you faggots go one thread on this piece of shit forum without talking shit? It's just way too much to ask from this community.
you'd get more shit if you posted on a cs board.. and fy maps require skill just like LT required skill.

its not a bad score, but go earn a 3:1 ratio on a cal rated team server and more ppl would be impressed...

great players have earned 52-4 in pubs before.. shit, Shade did many many many years ago... was it shade? my memory fails me. it was one of the doctors who was testing out aimbot on on a Prophecy server, (not a clan a guild as they used to call it) and he was kicked by one of his friends... i was just a lowly dchm recruit at the time...
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I usually hover around a 2:1 ratio. Most of the time i'm front of the pack trying to get people to rush.










cl_lowviolence 1
instead of dying, they drop to their knees and 'submit' lol.




Jago said:
I usually hover around a 2:1 ratio. Most of the time i'm front of the pack trying to get people to rush.

Storm the front! dust ported but not inferno, why god why!

i'm hoping the new catalyst drivers will fix my comps performance in this game, it really shouldn't be as shitty as it currently is.
im thinking of buying hl2 + cs:s. is cheating rampant in multiplayer yet, or do they at least have some safeguards in place?
DEX said:
cl_lowviolence 1
instead of dying, they drop to their knees and 'submit' lol.
cl_ragdoll_collide 1 is your friend, use it. ragdolls will bend around each other, not go through each other. Also, i've gone like 50-8 before. It all depends on the server and players within
i've had real high and good scores before, but doesn't mean i'm that good. sometimes you just go on a run where you hit everything.. or you just play vs newbies. if there's something ir eally enjoy in CS it's the skill level floating around..it's not like tribes 1, it's a much bigger community with alot more better players.
^Tyro said:
im thinking of buying hl2 + cs:s. is cheating rampant in multiplayer yet, or do they at least have some safeguards in place?

its not bad at all.

this one dude had a speed hack once, but it really wasnt a big deal.
in the past 3 weeks of CS:S i've only seen 2 ppl cheating.. with the ability to observe someone playing in 1st person, it's hard not to notice ppl cheating.

and there's so many servers you can just join something else if ppl are cheating.

cs:s rocks.