Crysis Tribes mod: Rise

I never offered a company any kind of input towards their games.

It's not like I hang out with them and try to slob their knobs or anything:
So Enigma and I harassed the Garage Games booth multiple times about Legions. The first time, we talked to <undisclosed name>. Of course, we all know <undisclosed name> to be the guy who teased the collective TW cock with some leaked videos and comments about Legions. The mystery excited everyone, but was soon brought to a halt by an official announcement that Legions was just meant to be a tech demo and maybe an FPS starter kit. After that they claimed it was going to be released as a community project, but that never happened. Anyways, <undisclosed name> told us that GG had recently created a branch specifically for developing games. Furthermore, he invited Enigma and myself to his hotel room after he was done for the day to check out some artwork he said we'd be interested in. Before we left, he mentioned that there might be "something of interest" released as early as this fall, and as late as December.

We left and did some things, and when we came back, we couldn't find him anywhere. Fortunately, Ben Garney was there along with a couple others, and they were more than happy to withhold information from us. Through a mix of pushing Blockland and fancy language, they confirmed that there indeed was a new game development division of GG and that they were indeed working on something that "looks like Tribes."

Oh, by the way, I asked them about the T1 master server. They said the talks were going good, and one of the head marketing guys for VUG was all for it, but at the end, one of VUG's lawyers got in the way and stopped the process. It doesn't look like GG is going to get the redirect for the master server.

Other than that, we shot the shit and reminisced about old times and TW. The GG guys are actually pretty funny. PAX was a lot of fun overall, and I'm glad to finally put some real life touch and feel to the names and pictures of the GG fellows. My conclusions about Legions may be entirely wrong, but after talking with GG, I'm pretty convinced that something tribes-like will be coming out of their new game development division.

-Went to PAX
-Saw some shit
-Won some shit
-Met with Enigma/GarageGames and shot the shit
-<undisclosed name> from GG wanted to show me some art I'd be interested in, but disappeared
-GG has a new game development division
-Ben Garney says there's something that "looks like Tribes" being developed
-<undisclosed name> says something of interest might be released as early as fall or as late as December
-GG isn't getting getting the master server redirect because of VUG's gay lawyer

Edit: Ben Garney, not Dansey

way to be a fanboi and defender of freedom for the poor unreleased products of the world
I never offered a company any kind of input towards their games.

It's not like I hang out with them and try to slob their knobs or anything:

bugs is bff with garage games which is why he's such a fanboi of unreleased doomed products
I like to play video games. I happen to like Legions, just as I liked T1 and T2. At least I bring new information to the table instead of referencing some random dude's "Why I'm not Playing T2" rant as proof of why Legions will suck:

At least JoMo and I can get over the fact that we disagree on some shit. You're beating your head into everything/one you disagree with.
Looks nice. Too bad you need a beast of a computer to run crysis and there is no MP community.
Who gives a shit? The graphics are insane and the game looks badass. THIS IS WHAT TRIBES 3 should have been. I would gladly upgrade to a beast of a PC for that.
Come on are you kidding me? That's skiing if I've ever seen it.

I really hope this thing comes around full circle, and I don't see why it can't. They're modding, which makes things a shit ton easier, so the probability of success is pretty high I would say, compared to say that Legends game they tried to make with the Torque engine.
look at that? a discussion for a TRIBES mod in its infant stages with almost no negative feedback on tribalwar.

i don't think this community has a problem embracing tribes games, it just seems that way because every attempt since tribes 1 has resulted in shit.

i didn't catch the disk shot towards the end of the video on my first pass and just saw it now, that looks SWEET. the skiing seems pretty natural and tribes 1ish too to be honest.

Skiing through the beautiful crysis terrain will kick major ass. Maybe they can add some nice foliage to make it more awesome, unlike the shitty tress in tribes 2 lawl :]
I like to play video games. I happen to like Legions, just as I liked T1 and T2. At least I bring new information to the table instead of referencing some random dude's "Why I'm not Playing T2" rant as proof of why Legions will suck

Legions will suck, if anything the fact that a mod made by a bunch of amateurs (I'm assuming) looks more promising than a game being made by professionals can attest to that. Whether it will come to fruition or not is not the point, because a realized turd is still a turd.