Crysis Tribes mod: Rise

the only thing i would really add is this. if you can't make the vehicles make sense and positively and seamlessly add to the gameplay then just stick to the three armors only.

T1 vehicles were largely irrelevant.
T2 vehicles were retarded and OP.
T:V again, retarded vehicles.

nobody has had vehicles that were both useful and balanced w/o having to have a hard counter like heat seaking retardo rockets.

I would say that the Tank in T2 came closest to usable and balanced.
Damnit, I'm going to reinstall Crysis now just to walk around for a bit.. such a gorgeous game.

And I never understood why people think Crysis has such steep requirements.

If you MUST run it in 1920 res then yes, good fucking luck. At 1280x1024 I can run it 45fps average with an 8800GT and max settings - which is a sub $200 video card.
T2 vehicles were retarded and OP.


curious, did you ever play T2C competivily? F'ing.....5150|Slam?....or someone was fucking deadly with that shrike, it wasnt even funny. As for the tank and MPB, those could be the deciding factor if the map was right. One D would set up the MPB right next to his own flag with the . Another D would park right in front of the flag with the tank. And viola, you have got two huge fighting vehicles that are majorly screwing up ur cap route.

however, The bomber didnt get used too well and the wildcat (with the T2C added chaingun) too had limited usability.
curious, did you ever play T2C competivily? F'ing.....5150|Slam?....or someone was fucking deadly with that shrike, it wasnt even funny. As for the tank and MPB, those could be the deciding factor if the map was right. One D would set up the MPB right next to his own flag with the . Another D would park right in front of the flag with the tank. And viola, you have got two huge fighting vehicles that are majorly screwing up ur cap route.

however, The bomber didnt get used too well and the wildcat (with the T2C added chaingun) too had limited usability.
a bit, but what you just described is retardation to me.

vehicles should not (imo) be that powerful that just pooping out two of them makes capping so difficult. the players via body blocks and heavy d (depending on map of course) and skillful sniping mixed with good communication should be what makes capping difficult.

the MPB i actually liked a lot. i change the weaponry to be something that can augment the area defender in a non over powering way. that homorocket was ridiculous.

if you want to keep a forward base of operations it should either be well hidden or defended by you the player(s) not some automatic homomissle.
with or without a retarded hard counter in the form of homoseaking missles?

With obviously. You could take the missiles away and just ditch the shields and it would be fine. The shields are what made the gay ass missile requirement.
This video looks badass. Now if it would ever get finished. I like the concept art for the armors as well.

I like the darker look to it. Better than the fields of flowers in tv.
With obviously. You could take the missiles away and just ditch the shields and it would be fine. The shields are what made the gay ass missile requirement.

ok, now take into account all the retardation caused by these tanks in pubs. was that good for gameplay?

an example was given previously of retardation in organized play. i recall even worse stupidity in pubs.

given all that is this something that should be considered for inclusion in a 'new' game?

obviously i am in the no group. i think there is room for vehicle play of some sort. i dont know what or how but i do know what i haven't liked thus far.
I don't know how to explain this correctly, but it occurs to me that the physics are wrong because the scale of the player to the terrain is different. In Tribes 1 You had players bouncing off fairly large triangles (proportionate to the characters) that made up the terrain.
Holy crap thats slick. Who knows what the skiing would really be like, but the modeling is great.
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omfg... let's have another retarded argument about VEHICLES. :D

1. The t1 and t2 vehicles were FINE for some maps and some servers. Period. End fucking discussion (yea, right). The problem was not the vehicles themselves but how they were implemented in gameplay. The shrike was badass and some servers ran maps where they were perfectly appropriate... fun... and popular.

2. If folks are going to support this mod and expand it, the focus oughta be on core mechanics... not vehicles n stuff. Tighter, simpler maps and perhaps class/weap structures. Personally... i'd aim for T1 style physics and study TF2 class/weap mechanics. Bring something new to the table and "ground" the gameplay (i.e. make it a First Person Shooter, rather than a First Person Almost-Hitter-but-the-Bitch-was-Flying)

3. Make sure servers can have choices... instead of trying to make a "one size fits all" system.
t1 vehicles were great, as they were mostly for transport, not for base raping. I think if you have vehicles you need to have them primarily as transport devices, so the actual combat is still done person vs person.

Looks pretty good
t1 vehicles were great, as they were mostly for transport, not for base raping. I think if you have vehicles you need to have them primarily as transport devices, so the actual combat is still done person vs person.

Looks pretty good

yeah, t1 vehicles were made for transport

until everyone figure out that whole thing about tapping the spacebar.
the mpb was fairly balanced i thought
it just changed the way you played certain maps. More HOs needed to cap,etc.
you really didnt need a missile for mpbs, just tons of precision mortars.

fuck the tank + rest. I like the shrike, but requiring a missile launcher = gay.
I always hated how all cappers had to carry flares.