Creationism, should it be taught in School?

That Evolution is Fact.

Have you read the book by Futuyama, *Read the paper up*, a evolution scientist, who wrote a book to "refute" creationism, said that Evolution is not a scientific theory, nor is it fact.

So did. Green and Goldberger

"... the macromolecule-to-cell transition is a jump of fantastic dimensions, which lies beyond the range of testable hypothesis. In this area all is conjuncture"

If a theory can not be tested to fail, it is not a theory.
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when the fuck does any church ever have any scientificly sound theories. they are always wrong, if creationism is backed by religious idiots ill take evolution on that alone (ignoring all the evidence that backs evolution)
Big R said:
Given the premise that God is outside all known laws of physics, since he was the one who established them, creationism does not break the fundamental Laws of the universe like Thermodynamics and Entropy.

Its not exactly evidence for it, but unlike evolution iot doesnt break fundamental laws of the universe.

except that god is based on faith, theres nothing to suggest one exists. and how does evolution break any laws?
DaNGr said:
Creationism and Evolution is not a scientific theory.

Life evolving is a fact. It is one of the few facts out there. Since it can be directly observed, it is defined as a fact.

Evolution is a theory, and not theory in the layman sense, but a scientific theory, which means there is quite a bit of evidence is out there. Since it is not directly observable, it will most likely be a "theory" for a long time to come. For instance, Einstein's famous theory of relativity is still a theory, since although its effects can be readily seen, it cannot be directly observed.

Creationism is a hypothesis. There is no direct evidence, or correlating information to support it. That doesn't mean its not true, it just means that the very nature of it makes it impossible to empiracally document.
Evita said:
There does not have to be a specific creation theory taught!!

There are mainly two world views (there are more, on the lunatic fringe):
1. Everything we know was created
2. Everything we know was not created

Why is 1 a religion, while 2 is not? retards! Both are religious. You dont want our kids to be indoctrinated? They are being indoctrinated now, morons.

I think creation NOR MACRO-evolution should be taught in schools (*note: micro-evolution should be taught). I think origins should be taught by the parents, if the parents so choose. Why should the government dictate what our kids are to believe and not believe?

macro evolution isnt taught as pure fact, nor is physics... professors simply lay out the evidence suggesting it. at least thats what mine did.
when the fuck does any church ever have any scientificly sound theories. they are always wrong, if creationism is backed by religious idiots ill take evolution on that alone (ignoring all the evidence that backs evolution)
Herein lies the problem with most people who hear the word 'creation'. They get an automatic 'church hypocritical christian blah blah religious' defense. And they are right. I dont attend a church for that reason.

A buddy of mine(very anti-God) got pissed when I told him that Jesus and him had alot in common. Jesus was against RELIGION TOO.
people arguing creationism should be taught in schools are fucking retarded

"Okay kids listen up.. We came into creation magically from nothing about 3000 years ago."

because you do understand that it cant pertain to one religion..

Also shouldnt buddhism etc all be taught in science class too.
Holden C said:
Life evolving is a fact. It is one of the few facts out there. Since it can be directly observed, it is defined as a fact.

Evolution can not be observed, tested, nor has their been any observations, we haven't seen a ape go into a human, or any of it's sub variants to sugggest it.
Holden C said:
Evolution is a theory, and not theory in the layman sense, but a scientific theory, which means there is quite a bit of evidence is out there. Since it is not directly observable, it will most likely be a "theory" for a long time to come. For instance, Einstein's famous theory of relativity is still a theory, since although its effects can be readily seen, it cannot be directly observed.

A theory that lies beyond the range of testable hypothesis, cannot qualify as a scientific theory.
this thread will be won by the logical, as all religion/faith threads have been in the past.

btw logic != faith
Evita said:
There does not have to be a specific creation theory taught!!

There are mainly two world views (there are more, on the lunatic fringe):
1. Everything we know was created
2. Everything we know was not created

Why is 1 a religion, while 2 is not? retards! Both are religious. You dont want our kids to be indoctrinated? They are being indoctrinated now, morons.

I think creation NOR MACRO-evolution should be taught in schools (*note: micro-evolution should be taught). I think origins should be taught by the parents, if the parents so choose. Why should the government dictate what our kids are to believe and not believe?
hey look, it's evita talking out of his ass again

stfu about macroevolution already
DaNGr said:
Evolution can not be observed, tested, nor has their been any observations, we haven't seen a ape go into a human, or any of it's sub variants to sugggest it.

A theory that lies beyond the range of testable hypothesis, cannot qualify as a scientific theory.
think again!
DaNGr said:
Evolution can not be observed, tested, nor has their been any observations, we haven't seen a ape go into a human, or any of it's sub variants to sugggest it.

A theory that lies beyond the range of testable hypothesis, cannot qualify as a scientific theory.

this is retarded...

There is a case for evolution. If you can't see this then stfu. Noone will say that they can prove evolution anymore then they can prove there where dinosaurs other then bones.

btw there is a good argument for evolution and the teachers aren't sposed to say "Listen kids this is the way we know how it exactly happened" b

Should we stop teaching ancient history? For all we know there really was an atlantis or troy. troy?
Khushi said:
except that god is based on faith, theres nothing to suggest one exists. and how does evolution break any laws?
Law of Entropy = Matter nor energy cannot be either created nor destroyed unless acted upon by an outside force (ie, outside natural physics) Evolution requires a naturaly explained sudden presence of matter and energy without cause. God is outside natural physics.
Thermodynamics 2 = Things decline and decay unless acted upon by an outside force. Evolution would require a growth of things to start rather than a decay. God is an outside force.
DaNGr said:
Evolution can not be observed, tested, nor has their been any observations, we haven't seen a ape go into a human, or any of it's sub variants to sugggest it.

A theory that lies beyond the range of testable hypothesis, cannot qualify as a scientific theory.

there have been, read the thread. oh thats right, you ignore anything that doesnt support your point of view :shrug:
DaNGr said:
A theory that lies beyond the range of testable hypothesis, cannot qualify as a scientific theory.
we'll take your opinion over the thousands of scientists that disagree