Cower with Crowder

The fact that he wouldn't even come onto his set till he saw Sam was broadcasting a "live" show made it even better. He was so sure of himself that he covered his bases and wouldn't have to debate the dude on this show cause he was supposed to be doing his own "live" show at noon. Sam pre-recorded a show just to complete the trap. When crowder says this is a nightmare its like he thinks maybe he could actually wake up and not be a giant coward joke of a man.
:rofl: The kike agreed to debate him, but instead brings another loudmouth kike on, knowing full well that Crowder isn't going to "debate" two loudmouth kikes at the same time, then claim victory when he leaves.

The only cowards here are the kikes, in particular, Ethan.
I don't know anything about any of this

But I'll take Val's assessment as the supreme truth.
ya validuzs my lodestar when i want the jewish angle on anything
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I don't follow this, but from what I've read here... whoever did the sandbagging and then 'opted-out' at the last minute in an agreed debate is the cocksmoker. Not the one who was set up, he has all the rights to forfeit any interaction if the other party decides to move the goalposts.
This is a pretty limp-dick form of leftist "Counting Coup"... and it just shows how desperate for attention both Klein and Seder actually are. They giggle like school girls thinking they pulled a gotcha on Crowder, when all they've done is proven Crowders point... that Klein is a loser.

Sam Seder on the other hand... thinks he's relevant, yet no one wants to interact with him because he's a douche and this is the kind of thing he has to resort too in order for anyone to pay attention to him.

Sam Seder has 1.1 million subscribers... yet can barely manage 20k views per video. Whereas Crowder has 5.5 million, +700k per video. And this is with YouTube doing everything it can to minimize Crowders' exposure on their platform.

Ethan Klein is YouTubes little darling and they signal boost him where ever they can in order to ride him for the monetization and advertising revenue.

Ethan Klein chickened out of a debate he agreed too with Crowder... so why should Crowder entertain a surprise ambush by Sam Seder weaseling his way into the conversation?

THis just makes Klein and Seder look weak and sad.
Watching any of this is nonsense.
If you think Crowder is Right
welcome to the same slow walk as FOX
Stop watching nonsense