Could you be an executioner?


Veteran XX
If you were given the opportunity to become an executioner would you? Would you do it for free or would there have to be some compensation?

Would you have any questions about the reasons why? Would you have any stipulations? Or would you just do your job and follow orders?

If you could employ any method, what would you choose?
if i knew without a shadow of doubt that the person was guilty and deserved death, i could probably be an executioner.

if there were any doubts, though, probably not.
o yah, my preferred method of execution would have to be

I have always thought the guillotine was an extremely effective, dependable device.

I could do it but it would have to be a part time gig. I would suffer from burn-out if it was a full time deal. And, I wouldn't want to handle the bodies. Leave that to the scrubs.

It would be interesting if it was like jury duty. Your name gets drawn, you are executioner for the day.

Also - I would have to believe they were guilty. You know, be the 13th member of the jury. Then it would be cool. I wouldn't be dramatic or wear scary stuff or anything. Just show up in some work casual attire and pull the lever.