Controversial Thread


Veteran XX
I think Skeletor and BadMofo are good dudes

Vanster is also a good dude

Naptown and JD are good dudes as well

Terra is my good gamer buddy dude

I know it is not a popular opinion but lots of you guys are good dudes

I think Skeletor and BadMofo are good dudes

Vanster is also a good dude

Naptown and JD are good dudes as well

Terra is my good gamer buddy dude

I know it is not a popular opinion but lots of you guys are good dudes

I have no issues with any of these [strike]guys[/strike] ppl.
many good dudes on TW. i think Goshin is a good dude. i use to not think Vanster was a good dude but hes a good dude.

fo sho cool dude LGBR

Where did Bodom go, he was a heavy metal cool dude. We used to play a lot of T2 Arena, those were fun days.

p0ng was like our lil bro t2 cool dude, big fan of the p0ng!.

oh and Osmathe or whatever is a cool dude of restorations and cool dude masks.
Not much controversy there.....

Did Jahoda Duck cheat on mstrike with naptown? Who's baby is Jahoda Duck carrying?

Did Spinfusor Salad really commit suicide, or was he murdered?

Which Tribes game was the best Tribes game?

Who was the best Tribes team and why?
lots of good dudes on tw

sure, most of us act like total fucking douches to each other, but it's all out of love most the time.

when it all comes down though, i bet most guys on here would give you the shirt off their backs if you needed it, unless it's a snowblind shirt.