congratulations to joemomma5000, best poster in the history of tribalwar

remember when he posted with :lol: between every two or three words? :lol: :lol: :lol:



:lol: :lol:


I think that was bofo that made that

that pic is a case in point though

remember where you are

if you dont have a thick skin coupled with a sense of humour, fuck off

That was the attitude that made me start posting here.... But it was kept online and consisted of stuff like the muktard photo and calling someone a retarded negger faggit.

This place has calmed down a lot. Then people started up taking pictures of the jamesflames guys house and it was pretty fucking funny. They started posting real life stuff about posters but it was most often directed at outsiders. Somewhere it became cool to do that to members of the community. That was the line that probably shouldn't have been crossed.
yeah and what do we do about it? try deleting posts here, it just makes the problem 100x worse. ban half the forum? i learned long ago trying to control these situations just turns them disastrous, and then I have to deal with hundreds of whining posters. not only do they care about their name being posted and call for bans, they care about their e-mail address, their photo, their AIM names, a good many things. how do we fix it?

I think privacy on the internet is dead.

It seems to me that fraggle has used this pattern for years now. He keeps pushing the limits further and further and eventually someone bans him for it. It's happened many times over the years as I recall and each time there is some whining and then the forum carries on just fine.

IMO he'll keep doing this or invent some other kind of drama until he gets banned.

I must admit though I like some of fraggle's posts I just wish he would back off on the forum drama a bit.


Edit - I really need to learn to read the whole thread before I post...
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fraggle is a rare example of a total and utter sociopath: just dont fuck him off and you'll be okay, but since that applies to pretty much everything in life I dont really see the problem

he's just very good at it, very quickly, and I think thats what upsets people
Does it make you a good poster if everytime you post you just post how someone else is a terrible poster? I could use some reputation.

this is a perfect example of why I always refused to 'meet' up with you when you asked me numerous times in the past.

you pull dumb ass shit like this (along with your leg humper internet fan boys).

seriously....get a life, or go get some more hookers to occupy your free time.

p.s. - sup groove!