Comparing PC and PS3 gaming

Is that mouse legit? They made one for the xbox but it wasnt a real mouse. Moving left put in a "left" command but it felt completely different than a mouse.
Have both PC and PS3 and play games on both. Simulators, MMOs and FPS on PC. 3rd person, driving and flying games on console. Obviously generalized but that's how I break it down.
If you enjoy 25-30fps, blurry upscaled 1280x720 gfx with no antialiasing and fagtacular shooter controls, ps3 is for you! :)
If you enjoy 25-30fps, blurry upscaled 1280x720 gfx with no antialiasing and fagtacular shooter controls, ps3 is for you! :)

Actually, often at weirder resolutions than that. The PS3's GPU, shitty as it is, upscales horizontally far easier than it does vertically. So, several "1080p" and even some "720p" games run at the advertised vertical resolution, but a greatly reduced horizontal resolution.

Many PS3 games also use Quincunx AA (rather than MSAA), which is complete shit. Again, this is due to the poor GPU, and is more prevalent in multiplatform games where the developer hasn't/can't take the time to offload graphics work from the GPU to the CPU. The 360's GPU can do some degree of MSAA without any great performance hit at all, but not so for the PS3. So, you get stuck with QAA which results in practically everything being given a blurry look, including textures. You also get many games without AA but with a blur filter (like GTA3 on the PS2), which is even more terrifying.

(On a related note, I can stand shooters on consoles. There's none of the bullshit you get in the PC of having to find a public server without idiot admins and/or cheaters. The controls are inferior, but who cares? It's not like playing an RTS on a console; it's still functional, still enjoyable.)
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It takes a lot of practice and the PC version is usually prettier.

You should quit PC gaming cold turkey and just pretend you are in the witness protection and they only gave you a PS3. Put 100% in or you'll just say fuckit and become a slave to the mouse.
I think american servers must suck. Because I never have trouble finding good hacker free servers.

FPS on PC >>>>> Console
you got unlucky.

I am sure you are in the minority.

Google the problem a bit and I think you would be surprised. Best I can tell it was from a certain lot of PS3's as they all seem to have been purchased around the same time. Either way it should never have ever happened.

It seems that more people are beginning to come forward with this issue best I can tell.