[cnn] obama / gingrich / romney tax returns


Veteran X

i think this is gonna kill romney. although tbh, i liked his speaking fees quote more

Mitt Romney said:
I got a little bit of income from my book, but I gave that all away. Then, I get speakers fees from time to time, but not very much.
i'm not sure how many voters identify with his speaker fee $$$ as "not very much"
how about this, straight from drudge.

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and his wife Michelle gave $10,772 of the $1.2 million they earned from 2000 through 2004 to charities, or less than 1 percent, according to tax returns for those years released today by his campaign.

The Obamas increased the amount they gave to charity when their income rose in 2005 and 2006 after the Illinois senator published a bestselling book. The $137,622 they gave over those two years amounted to more than 5 percent of their $2.6 million income.

Romney charitable contributions

Tax year Taxable income Charitable donations Donations as % of income
2010 $21.7 million $2.98 million 13.73%
2011 (est) $20.9 million $4 million 19.14%

Read more: WHO'S GREEDY? Obama Gave 1% to Charity, Romney Gave 15% - Mitt Romney - Fox Nation

Joe Biden game $369 to charity. I wonder if he paid his fair share?

Mitt Romney gave millions to charity. Joe Biden gave $369. - Mail Online - Toby Harnden's blog
so basically you're comparing obama's charity donations when he made $1.2m over 4 years v. romney's $21m in a single year?
Romney's Mormon donations are likely categorized as charitable.
Also "giving to charity" is a pretty broad term.
Would like to know what charities, and what friends/associates were affiliated with the boards of said charities.
I also imagine, as President, donating to charity gets a bit tricky.
How do you say yes to one, and no to another?

Also, Newt Gingrich needs a better freaking accountant.
so basically you're comparing obama's charity donations when he made $1.2m over 4 years v. romney's $21m in a single year?

and you are complaining because romney made 21m in a single year?

Seems to me that Romney is more generous with his 21m than obama or biden is with their smaller amounts, if these articles are accurate.

But really how much a person makes in a year is not really an important issue that facing the american people is it? But it seems like something that is being thrown out to get all the idiots sidetracked doesnt it?
and you are complaining because romney made 21m in a single year?
oh i dont really have an opinion about any of their charity donations, or the total amounts made. i just think its awesome that someone who makes $21m can pay 14% in taxes, and follow up with a statement that his speaker fees were "not very much." i'm curious how many of his voters identify with that
oh i dont really have an opinion about any of their charity donations, or the total amounts made. i just think its awesome that someone who makes $21m can pay 14% in taxes, and follow up with a statement that his speaker fees were "not very much." i'm curious how many of his voters identify with that

Your implication being that 'not very much' is actually ALOT.

Ok then, chew on this:

Clinton earns $65 million in speaking fees as private citizen

Former president Bill Clinton stepped up the pace of his paid speaking engagements in 2009, bringing his total haul from these speeches to $65 million since leaving office in 2001.

According to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's annual financial disclosure report released Monday, the former president earned $7.5 million from 36 paid speeches last year, up from the $5.7 million he earned for 25 speeches in 2008. Almost half of his speech earnings last year, $3.2 million, came from 13 speeches delivered in nine other countries, ranging in distance from Canada and Mexico to Turkey, Slovenia, and the United Arab Emirates. The remainder was earned in 23 speeches delivered in seven states and the District of Columbia.
Clinton earns $65 million in speaking fees as private citizen – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

I guess its alright to make millions in speaking fees if you're a democrat, amirite? Do YOU identify with Clinton?
because obviously if you give a lot of money to charity you're a swell dude

I dont like Romney and I dont want him for president.

But instead of constantly wringing my hands and worrying about how much a candidate has in their bank account, I think I am going to vote for how they stand of the issues. Imagane that.
You understand how percentages work, right?
i have no idea why you wanna focus on that. i already said i have 0 opinion on what they were contributing to charities. i was only responding to TR's quote that basically said "here is what obama donated over a 4 year period, 6 years ago. lets compare that to what romney donated last year"

-SS- said:
I guess its alright to make millions in speaking fees if you're a democrat, amirite? Do YOU identify with Clinton?
um.. i have no idea what your point is. i said its funny that romney thinks, especially with the economy being the way it is, that the money he made speaking was "not very much." if clinton made $65m speaking, said it wasnt a lot, then paid 14% taxes on it, then decided to run for president today, i wouldnt be voting for him either?
You made it a point to mention speaking fees. If anything, you now cement the point that they arent very much -which directly contradicts your alleged amusement.

Its unfortunate you cant understand the rest.

he probably hasnt paid income tax in forever
most rich people dont have an income and just reinvest money made in stocks

so fuck him
You made it a point to mention speaking fees. If anything, you now cement the point that they arent very much -which directly contradicts your alleged amusement.

Its unfortunate you cant understand the rest.
can you find the part where i say $529k isnt very much?