wtf is with u and 'deathwatch'

even when u were playing skyrim it had 2 be a 'deathwatch'

its always drama w/ u bro
how about you don't watch any of them and instead go live your perfect life in white atlantis and stop wasting our time and yours posting here ya little fucking jerkoff

my 'perfect life' requires me to read and post on TW so that i never forget how lucky I am compared to most of u fuckwits :sunny:

so im not wasting time really

if I am wasting ur time or hurting ur feelings u can always ignore me :( I don't think u will tho. im 2 fukin real
i ignore no one

even sniveling little shits like you

so i suppose if you're gonna stay then try to make yourself useful and stfu
i love me them blackkkkkk girls

may b if u ignored some of the ppl that make u spaz out and rage every day like a more literate scoobysnack u would improve the tribalwar experience for all concerned

just tryin 2 help