cleaning an LCD

Beren said:
had a visit from some friends, their daughter touched my screen. Then got told off, and se didn't do it again. So good kid really, but the last week i have been able to see like 2-3 finger prints from that one touch. Now i can fix :)

Off topic, but I was at an ice cream store a couple of days ago, and these stupid little kids were just rubbing their hands and fingers across the glass. Not just pointing to what flavor they wanted or what toppings, but smearing the glass to the point where it was opaque. And their parents didn't say a word.

I just wanted to yell at them "Get your goddam hands off the glass, you little shit. There are other people waiting to order."

I hate other people's kids.
KellyMonaco said:
I've never had any problem with Windex / GlassPlus...

if you check your manual, i'll almost guarantee it says not to use anything with ammonia to clean the surface

most LCD displays have a coating of anti-glare plastic that, after repeated applications (depending on the amount of ammonia) will first take off the anti-glare coating, then cause the plastic to fog/yellow and make the plastic brittle and susceptible to hairline cracks etc.

Just google 'Windex LCD' and you'll get a million results telling you not to do it.

But if you dont want the antiglare coating and don't mind a yellowing screen, keep doing it.
I have tried something like 15 or 20 specialty cleaners for LCD displays, none of which were at all satisfactory. Some left a thin filmy coating over the entire display while others left streaks etc....

As crazy as it sounds, after much trial and error, I stumbled across using Expo White Board Cleaner. Don;t ask me how, it was more or less out of desperation.

And nothing I have seen approaches it for cleaning LCD displays. I'd recommend it to anyone. Give it a shot, you'll love it.