[chud brain rot] i run on the rule of thumb everything is wrong on tw

If I had a toddler, I'd be much more comfortable with him being read to by a transvestite than a member of the clergy.
If I had a toddler, I'd be much more comfortable with him being read to by a transvestite than a member of the clergy.

that's because you're a commie libtard Christian hater, duh. :shrug: Tell us something we wouldn't know.
I don't read much about trannys diddling and fondling kids. Clergy has a bit of a different record, don't they?
Public school employees are legions more dangerous than the Catholic priests are/were. Hear about some union school employee raping kids just about every week in this nation.
It would be who of you all to just act like adults for five fucking minutes so I could get a screenshot of that conversation and frame it.
Deep, delicious irony in this thread.

The OP is utterly clueless about everything. :lol:
The virtuous knight has arrived to defend the pedo genderqueers and their mentally handicapped pedo-adjacent allies
Public school employees are legions more dangerous than the Catholic priests are/were. Hear about some union school employee raping kids just about every week in this nation.

Statistics disagree. As far as risk goes, leaving a child alone with a priest carries far more risk. What you hear about and what you wish were true doesn't change the actual risk.