china wins again

Why would you expect them to fail - they are built on the same assembly lines

(along with all the smart phones, monitors, motherboards and ram)

Because Chinese are notorious for cutting corners with materials to save money, and also because they tend to not give a shit about quality control.
Chinese are notorious for that because Westerners looking to make huge profits ask them to do shit so cheaply it is impossible not to. If you pay them they will make things as well as anywhere else.

But yes, you still need to push them to ensure good quality. But the same is true anywhere. (well maybe more so in China)
if their quality control sucks why does all the shit we buy (all made in china) work so well?

imagine what would happen if we attempted to manufacture cpus, ram, displays, etc ourselves in our haven of unions, affirmative action, overregulation, and universities that replace math with diversity classes.

its ok to be a patriot, but dont be a nationalist... and anyone who believes the US is still amazing is the latter.
"made in china" only sucks because we want it that way. We want cheap, mass produced crap. You can have quality "made in china", but then it would cost more and depending on what it is you are manufacturing, it would defeat the purpose of getting it made in China.
if their quality control sucks why does all the shit we buy (all made in china) work so well?

Because it has to meet stringent Western quality control requirements.


Apple wouldn't put iPhones on store shelves if they had only passed Chinese QC and not umpteen additional layers of Apple internal QC.
imagine what would happen if we attempted to manufacture cpus, ram, displays, etc ourselves in our haven of unions, affirmative action, overregulation, and universities that replace math with diversity classes.
Lots of electronics are still fabricated and assembled right here in the US. Did you know that Intel has 4 factories right here in the States? Last time I checked, Intel was still making bomb-ass CPUs with a high level of quality and had no trouble hiring competent employees to run those fabs.

its ok to be a patriot, but dont be a nationalist... and anyone who believes the US is still amazing is the latter.
It's OK to hate America -- oh wait, you're a douchebag. Fuck you.
ok, point is theyre still capable of meeting said quality standards. also wat HF sed

and my only problem with america are the liberals, but theyre a huge problem.
Chinese are notorious for that because Westerners looking to make huge profits ask them to do shit so cheaply it is impossible not to. If you pay them they will make things as well as anywhere else.

But yes, you still need to push them to ensure good quality. But the same is true anywhere. (well maybe more so in China)

Of course they can make high quality product; it doesn't mean they will. Chinese people like to scam fellow Chinese people with even cheaper, substandard product. I was told by a Chinese person.

I also head there was the same indifference to copying intellectual property internally.
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Lots of electronics are still fabricated and assembled right here in the US. Did you know that Intel has 4 factories right here in the States? Last time I checked, Intel was still making bomb-ass CPUs with a high level of quality and had no trouble hiring competent employees to run those fabs.

china doesn't have good enough fabs to build top quality stuff. they cost $10+ billion and take a decade or so to setup. you're pretty much limited to intel, samsung, global foundries or tsmc for the 14ish nm FINfets.

anywho, a professor from the university of tennessee put out a report on this thing here:

it's pretty much a whole bunch of cores(64) per chip running at a slower clock rate than what you would see on a xenon but offering a bunch of parallel computations per clock cycle and a ridiculous 256 bit instruction set and they've packed a whole bunch of these together.

this thing would be a giant pain in the butt to program for but at least it's RISC?
You do realise that there are intel plants in China? I used to work next door to one.

Also I would like to thank them for fucking up the local economy (whores suddenly became very expensive) and basically shitting up the city with umpteen copies of "american' restaurants.
Ha, it actually slipped my mind. Still, i meant more that china's domestic plants are using older processes and they haven't as yet invested the money to build a state of the art one.

It seems that intel's dalian fab is setup for nand flash memory and wouldn't have tight enough process control for cpus without a refit. Lots of foreign players have fabs in china, they're just older tech that is setup to make consumer grade electronics as fast and cheaply as possible, stuff like wifi transceivers.

You don't even need a fab to design chips anymore. Qualcomm, apple, nvidia and amd don't have one. You just contract one of the big boys to manufacture your design and pay per working chip.
ok, point is theyre still capable of meeting said quality standards. also wat HF sed

and my only problem with america are the liberals, but theyre a huge problem.
Even when china tries, it still produces shit.

They're worker drones.
Worker drones that made the first maglev rail 12 years ago that also have a way better infrastructure program than we could ever hope for

Gg America. Gas tax stay the same for 25 years! We don't need funding for fucking bridges
Worker drones that made the first maglev rail 12 years ago that also have a way better infrastructure program than we could ever hope for

Gg America. Gas tax stay the same for 25 years! We don't need funding for fucking bridges
Like a child discussing theoretical physics...

Let's continue to ignore that white people invented that literally a century ago and it was created/tested/implemented in Europe decades before China.

But yea, they have maglev trains. Pardon me while I gasp.
Worker drones that made the first maglev rail 12 years ago that also have a way better infrastructure program than we could ever hope for

Gg America. Gas tax stay the same for 25 years! We don't need funding for fucking bridges

Hey, if you like China so much feel free to move.
Shanghai Maglev Train - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Shanghai Maglev Train or Shanghai Transrapid (Chinese: 上海磁浮示范运营线) is a magnetic levitation train, or maglev line that operates in Shanghai, China. The line is the first commercially operated high-speed magnetic levitation line in the world.
Construction of the line began in March 1, 2001,[1] and public commercial service commenced on 1 January 2004. The top operational commercial speed of this train is 431 km/h (268 mph), making it the world's fastest train in regular commercial service since its opening in April 2004. During a non-commercial test run on 12 November 2003, a maglev train achieved a Chinese record speed of 501 km/h (311 mph).[2] The Shanghai Maglev has a length of 153 metres (502 ft), a width of 3.7 metres (12 ft), a height of 4.2 metres (14 ft) and a three-class, 574-passenger configuration.[3]

Despite decades of research and development, only two commercial maglev transport systems are in operation, with two others under construction.[note 1] In April 2004, Shanghai's Transrapid system began commercial operations. In March 2005, Japan began operation of its relatively low-speed HSST "Linimo" line in time for the 2005 World Expo. In its first three months, the Linimo line carried over 10 million passengers. South Korea became the world's fourth country to succeed in commercializing maglev technology with the Incheon Airport Maglev beginning commercial operation in February 3, 2016.[5]

i dont give a shit if the west fucking invented it
we didnt implement it in a century and STILL HAVENT
stop being a fucking retard
GET IT chewbacca
Ha, it actually slipped my mind. Still, i meant more that china's domestic plants are using older processes and they haven't as yet invested the money to build a state of the art one.

It seems that intel's dalian fab is setup for nand flash memory and wouldn't have tight enough process control for cpus without a refit. Lots of foreign players have fabs in china, they're just older tech that is setup to make consumer grade electronics as fast and cheaply as possible, stuff like wifi transceivers.

You don't even need a fab to design chips anymore. Qualcomm, apple, nvidia and amd don't have one. You just contract one of the big boys to manufacture your design and pay per working chip.

ya, i'd imagine if i were to visit nvidia they just have a simulation farm... likely even built out of their own GPUs to simulate future designs.
Like a child discussing theoretical physics...

Let's continue to ignore that white people invented that literally a century ago and it was created/tested/implemented in Europe decades before China.

But yea, they have maglev trains. Pardon me while I gasp.

whites may have invented everything but now the west is destroying itself under socialist policies and jews. this in turn stifles innovation freeing the east to catch up and in many ways, come out ahead.