Chicken Sandwich Thread

says the dood that's been callin every1 fat the last 4 pages 4 enthusing about the time honored American tradition of chickie sam

I'm beginning 2 think ur rly a secret commie w ur anti chx sammich rhetoric

y don't u take a step back Hanoi jane
Greasy Taxi thinks anyone who eats chicken in bread must be fat :rofl:

he obviously has little to no self control or willpower and, like all vegetarians, smells like a compost heap
fair bit lower than your fear level when it comes to chicken burgers

ppl put salt on vegetables too u know

and guess what, all vegetarians and health nuts die, just the same
Quick answer - Apart from years ago when hungover or drunk, which actually reverses damage caused by alcohol. Where did I ever say that I eat fast food?

But I think he is suggesting that chicken can not be cooked at home and bread rolls may not be purchased (or baked yourself) to put that non existent chicken in. Which is ironic considering that the very first post in this thread was about a home cooked chicken sandwich. An oven baked rather than deep fried chicken sandwich at that.

Taxi seems unusually triggered by this thread, was he abused by a chicken burger?
We are arguing about chicken sandwiches on a 20yr old internet forum for a long dead video game, what do you think that makes us?
The thread is about fast food chicken sandwiches

I never said anything about vegetarian anything, at any point

I never said anything about non-fast food food at any point

I never said that you ate fast food, I asked you if you knew the difference between fast food and home-cooked food

Literally everything you've said about this thread has been completely wrong.

I don't think this thread is really the place for you.

Go be fat somewhere else.