Change NAT Type without adjusting router


Veteran XX
I'm trying to remotely connect my PS Vita to my PS4 from work. The Vita is telling me I have a NAT Type 3..and I need a NAT Type 2.

I cant change the router setting as its a work thing.
Is there a way to adjust settings somewhere else down the line to get this to work?

and yes, I can play video games at work. (Destiny!)
I tried to forward ports and shit on my ps3 but nothing worked.
I ended up using the dmz option on my router. It was the only thing that completely opened it up. Just bought a ps4 and ill prob have to do it with that as well.

I dont think this helps you though :sunny:
The router is what controls the NAT stuff so you are kind of hosed.

Now get back to work you slacker.
You can set up a linux box up at home port forward ssh to it from outside if you want to get creative then tunnel via putty whatever from work to home.