[cfb] Rivalry Week

The Pac-10 is too weak to have USC jump Oklahoma or Texas (assuming OU wins tonite). and unfortunately what would normally be a strong non-conference weight of Ohio State, Notre Dame, and Virginia got shot down because of what happened to those teams.

Cant argue with that... Way to read the newspapers or ESPN for a minute and a half.
why are you in a pissy mood phyzx you got to see the fat man get embarrassed again

if you werent napping on the couch from turkey leftovers, that is
i want oregon st to win the pac-10 just so we can see usc play a real team instead of penn st. can you imagine usc/florida in the sugar bowl? that would be more entertaining than the nc

Don't use Ohio State as your basis of comparison about Penn State.

I'm excited for that game. I think it will be a decent one.
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well its down to the BCS tomorrow to decide which lucky team goes to the Big 12 title game, and since Mizzou is looking like complete ass, the NC title game.

I still say OU will jump Texas in the computers tomorrow. They'll definitely get the nod in the polls. OU's win was quality and Texas' win was quantity -- OU will be in the BCS National Championship

.........and lose to the SEC Champion.
well its down to the BCS tomorrow to decide which lucky team goes to the Big 12 title game, and since Mizzou is looking like complete ass, the NC title game.

I still say OU will jump Texas in the computers tomorrow. They'll definitely get the nod in the polls. OU's win was quality and Texas' win was quantity -- OU will be in the BCS National Championship

.........and lose to the SEC Champion.

OU will not jump UT in the computers. UT has played essentially the same schedule as OU, except that we also played Missouri while they didn't. OU will probably jump Texas solely because of emotional voters being swayed by UT losing more recently.

If you look at the two teams' schedules, I don't see any logical way to argue that OU should be ahead of Texas. If anyone here has any ideas, I'd love to hear them. The only possibility I see is that they played Cincinatti, but I don't think that means as much as Missouri.
OU will not jump UT in the computers. UT has played essentially the same schedule as OU, except that we also played Missouri while they didn't. OU will probably jump Texas solely because of emotional voters being swayed by UT losing more recently.

If you look at the two teams' schedules, I don't see any logical way to argue that OU should be ahead of Texas. If anyone here has any ideas, I'd love to hear them. The only possibility I see is that they played Cincinatti, but I don't think that means as much as Missouri.

UT only has a small lead on them right now. The voters were swayed towards OU last week. In both polls that matter, OU was ahead of Texas. So, the voters already like OU better than Texas. It comes down to the computers. OU's win is going to count for more than Texas' win simply because OKSt was ranked decently high. Texas fought Texas A&M... which A&M is not a joke program, but they don't weigh as much in terms of quality wins this late in the game.

OU will jump Texas, but its going to be a really controversially low margin between the two teams.
The ACC has gone 5-4 against the SEC this year which shows that the ACC isn't a absolutely horrible conference but just lacks the dominant teams at the top
if OU jumps UT it will be complete bullshit. As it's been pointed out many times; 45 - 35.

You have 2 teams with the same record and you need to pick 1? Pro tip: pick the team that fucking won when they played each other head to head, its not rocket science
1. Alabama
2. Texas
3. Oklahoma
4. Florida

This is what you call a "pick'em" in the BCS. This makes Cal/Texas look like a walk in the park. This may end up being comical as far as how small the margin will be between OU and Texas.

I will officially call the computers a push. I could see it go +0.01 Texas, and +0.01 OU. There's even some shot it could go +0.02 Texas (and even a remote shot it goes +0.02 OU). I wish SOS would have been more in our favor, but downsizing my computer projection down to a push seems fair to me.

So it's all on the human voters. And your guess is as good as mine. Seriously, your guess is as good as mine. I cannot caveat this projection enough. And I would not be surprised if Brad Edwards comes out tonight and says OU makes it to #2 (and he could be right).

Why do I think Texas will prevail?

1. OU did not get style points tonight. They got garbage points, but not style points.
2. OU's defense was exposed, and Texas has held its last two opponents to single-digits.
3. Texas took care of business against A&M.
4. At least 80% of national pundits that have commented on the issue state that they think Texas should be ahead of OU.
5. Baylor gave Tech everything they could handle, taking a ton of luster off of OU's victory last week.
6. Tech moved themselves even more out of the discussion on the three way tie with the aforementioned struggle versus Baylor.
7. Anyone who gives OU a first place vote (and there were several last week), when Alabama went undefeated in the SEC, and Florida far more convincingly won their hostile road game, should seriously be called into question. Texas should gain some points as the Gators get promoted.
8. Texas beat OU by 10 points on a neutral field.

There are many good counter-arguments. I just think Texas has the best arguments. I don't know how many voters were even watching TV this week and hearing the media be pro-Texas. I don't know how willing they are to change their vote. I don't know what they thought when they watched the Bedlam game.

Couple of final thoughts:
a) do not take my projection as anything more than it is. This is a very hard call, and there is so much uncertainty on how human voters will behave. There is nothing scientific about this. Your guess is as good as mine. Please don't get your hopes up, this is just my guess.
b) again, this is far more difficult than Texas/Cal.
c) I've really appreciated all of the interest and support over the last few weeks.

not my words, from a another board but this guy has nailed every bcs prediction

fingers crossed
1. Alabama
2. Texas
3. Oklahoma
4. Florida

fingers crossed

Well, the human voters of the harris poll and the coaches poll already have OU in the #2 spot above Florida and Texas. It's not a matter of Texas jumping them in either of those polls (take a look at USC's movement up the polls in the last 3 weeks. They haven't moved much... and they blow shit teams out of the water.)... it's a matter of the median 4 of the 6 BCS computers giving one team the edge.

Texas was solid Thursday night against an unranked 4-8 team... but Oklahoma put up 20 points on a 9-3 (#12) Oklahoma State. Oklahoma's win will be *quality* versus Texas' unimpressive victory. Texas was sure to blow that game out. Like I said in my previous post, it was going to happen. It was going to look impressive, but in reality, it was expected. The only thing that would have made me impressed about that game was if A&M won.

It will not come down to "UT beat OU therefore UT gets the shot"... its down to the BCS and the BCS will not care about who beat who. I'm sure the computers have that factored into the equation somewhere, but when it all boils down.. its not going to matter than Texas beat Oklahoma.

If you want to get technical, Texas Tech should be above Texas right now. They remain a one loss, just like Texas and just like OU. If Tech beat Texas, they should be ahead of them in the BCS right? No, because they've been lackluster in competition in the last 2 weeks. Oklahoma has been impressive. Texas has been okay.

Oklahoma will get the nod. They were the better team for the past 2 weeks consecutively.

1. Alabama
2. Oklahoma
3. Florida
4. Texas

..dont get me wrong, I'd love for Texas to go over Oklahoma. Texas is a definite win for the SEC. Oklahoma is a bit different, but I still think either SEC team will beat them.