Cataclysm Class Previews

Sounds like it would be nice, but yeah too early to tell. I dunno though, never played much shaman and I get mixed feelings from shaman players I know on each of the roles, ie. one hates Resto with a passion and yet another absolutely loves it, etc. Any shamans have thoughts on it?
I'm terrified about the soul shard change. I'm using Fel Domination almost every cooldown at 2k rating in Arena's right now, and sometimes having to summon a demon whenever I can gain any sort of distance. So basically the classes that I have a ton of problems with (DK/Rogue/Warrior) when they just stick on me are going to fucking destroy me now because at some point my soul link will drop off and I'll be out of shards.

The burst the shards afford better be insane, or the regeneration of these shards out of combat better be super quick. Too many variables to tell right now if it's going to be ok or not.

I'll be leveling my mage/warrior just in case, and I still have my shaman.
I'm terrified about the soul shard change. I'm using Fel Domination almost every cooldown at 2k rating in Arena's right now, and sometimes having to summon a demon whenever I can gain any sort of distance. So basically the classes that I have a ton of problems with (DK/Rogue/Warrior) when they just stick on me are going to fucking destroy me now because at some point my soul link will drop off and I'll be out of shards.

If anything, there would be no change in that situation. I'm guessing there's going to be a cd on soul burn, and if it's at least 3m (it'll probably be less than that) than it'll be exactly the same as fel dom. If you currently have matches long enough to fel dom more than three times, then your team is doing something wrong.
Get a pro lock or hunter and I'll play my druid omgz. Or maybe my pally for something but I just wasted cash xfering him to some shit server.
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I have a bunch of geared pvp alts as well. PM me your msn/aim and we'll talk about it. I want to find a stable partner for 3's & 5's.
If anything, there would be no change in that situation. I'm guessing there's going to be a cd on soul burn, and if it's at least 3m (it'll probably be less than that) than it'll be exactly the same as fel dom. If you currently have matches long enough to fel dom more than three times, then your team is doing something wrong.

Affliction lock and resto druid, in 2's? Matches can go very long, especially if the other team outgears you.

It sometimes takes forever to set up a kill, especially if the other team is like priest mage and play very defensively and drink/eat/evo/shadowfiend/hymn at every chance.
Oh, I was just assuming 3s since 2s doesn't matter for anything anymore (which is too bad because I enjoyed 2s before resilience/healing changes).
Yeah, I'd run 3's more if I had a solid warrior, but the only person who was good who I had to run with as a 3rd was Brett on his DK, and DK/Lock/Druid is pretty terrible without an MS.

If I can find a solid warrior I'd love to run 3's again.
After much griping and bitching on the WoW forums they finally made their Priest post. All the theory-crafters (good or bad) are gobbling that up and I'm a bit on the fence if I should push my 76 priest to 80 or not. I used Disc as secondary to heal dungeons, giving over that people are generally idiots and I could use the extra mitigation and Penance to keep every boss fight from being a 3-man fight when DPS stepped in something or otherwise got themselves killed. But I dunno, in theory the changes could make healing... "Actiony"? I found healing as disc was more like hitting combos or something in street-fighter-esque games. You could snap off different spells to difference targets and it was kind of fun. Opposing to the druid healing where you just HoT the tank up, and pretty much only do that unless you needed to emergency-heal something else.

To be fair I haven't healed in a heroic-5 or raid setting yet, so I would think the experience would change anywhere from mildly noticeable to very radically .

One thing I do think is that "life-grip" spell won't be good. People may simply start to assume the resident priest will yank them out of situations they would otherwise die from and they won't have to pay attention anymore. PvE-wise anyway.
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Insert priest comments here.

If you haven't raided on a priest, in real scenarios, you can't really comment on priest changes. I thought they did a good job dicking priests over from TBC to WOTLK, a big reason I ditched healing and went DPS on mine (and DPS was always subpar anyway until recent changes, they've never liked high output dps shadow priests).

I won't even level my priest from 80 to 85 until a few months in, but I'll level my paladin/mage right away. They've always loved the pure dps classes, and it took paladins 4 years to not suck balls.

Pally healing in tbc? lol, enjoy being lowest on the meters, you were just there for buffs. Ret dps was lolbad before 3.0 changes. Prot tanking was only situationally useful, a prot paladin was the worst MT before 3.0. Shadow priests were a f'ing joke until TBC launched, then they nerfed the fuck out of SWD making it useless (and who uses it anymore? srsly). S Priests were only mana batteries in TBC, being by far the lowest dps class in the game :|

Mages have always gotten some love since mid TBC at least. The old fire spec put out some numbers all throughout BT/sunwell, and arcane is 2button ezmode right now. I love playing my mage.
I found healing as disc was more like hitting combos or something in street-fighter-esque games. You could snap off different spells to difference targets and it was kind of fun. Opposing to the druid healing where you just HoT the tank up, and pretty much only do that unless you needed to emergency-heal something else.

To be fair I haven't healed in a heroic-5 or raid setting yet, so I would think the experience would change anywhere from mildly noticeable to very radically.
That's exactly why Disc is fun, because you don't just sit there and hot people up. I've been healing a lot in 10mans lately and though my gear and enchants lean more towards holy than disc, holy just isn't as much fun to play. With Disc I use damn near every heal in my arsenal besides Greater Heal on just about every raid encounter. Not to mention Disc is downright OP for 5man heroics since you can shield everyone between pulls and just DPS most of the time, saving penance for damage spikes.

The shadow changes don't look terrible, either. We've needed a spammable nuke for 5 years now since any fight that isn't long there's far too much of a DPS ramp-up time to keep up with stand-and-nuke classes. Time will tell if it'll scale well and be worth using outside trash pulls and 5mans but it looks good. I don't like that I waited 5 years to be able to cast cure/abolish disease in shadowform and now that I have it they're taking it away.
Mages were ignored in TBC, what are you talking about? Oh and the latest Warlock changes make me cringe as a mage simply because fighting a lock is already a lesson in futility and now there's absolutely no point to trying (unless of course they are going to give mages Dispel Magic but I doubt it). I realize that's a limited situation of course.
With Disc I use damn near every heal in my arsenal besides Greater Heal on just about every raid encounter.

Leveling I used GH sparingly, but I found it amusing sifting through the spell book you have one what looked to be mid-range heal spell which pretty much gets thrown to the crib probably 6 - 8 levels after you get it probably in the 20s or 30s. Can't remember offhand (sure I could log in and see it) but I think it healed as much as GH at the time but actually took longer to cast. Or it was something pretty obvious you would never use it in favor of other spells.

I do enjoy disc healing, but like I said I assume people are idiots leveling (which they are to a large degree) so the extra mitigation helped more than Holy. End-game wasn't Disc toted as tank healer though? Nowadays you hear tank-healer and people automatically default to holy pally, unless there's a situation/circumstance that's planned for where a disc priest would be better. And I know raid healing will be far different, if I ever get there I'll have to get Grid or Healbot or whatever healing addon is popular at the time.
Nifty, tear for the MS "nerf" and goodbye to poleaxe spec. Loved that stuff more for the sheer bleeds arms dished out. I went from painfully annoying Prot Warriors in Classic to really fun Prot in WotLK and a shame I didn't get in on the whole revenge/UA thing that made people cry so much.

Honestly I wouldn't put down any real leveling decisions yet, any of these changes are more open to change. Going to wait until 1 - 2 months from release and then figure out what to play, at that point they can't really do any 180s with stuff. Particularly is they are still planning on a holiday release.