[Canada] Our government is retarded

no u!

I live in an NDP fortress. There hasn't been anyone elected here that wasn't NDP for 30 years. They always have 4x the vote count that any other party does, and the Canadian Communist party often places ahead of the Conservatives. My opinion is represented perfectly by the elected official in my area, I don't see how actually having voted for them would grant or deny me the right to voice an opinion. I just think the democratic process is fubared to the point of needing an overhaul, and have withdrawn my consent until that is done.

blah blah blah

You didn't vote.

Shut the fuck up.
harper has mismanaged this one badly.
history will remember him for leading the shortest minorioty goverment ever, and having the quietest cabient ever.
He didn't make a statement. He didn't get his lazy fat ass off his couch to make a statement.

Representatives make statements by abstaining from voting all the time. If you think that it is impossible to not vote on something and have that be a statement then many many different politicians in different times and countries would agree with you.

You prove my point exactly! Good job little guy!

edit: you're like the Canadian Juggs...

i'd say that's a fairly accurate assessment

amram has already made it clear in the general election thread that his biggest voting issue is gas prices
If they couldn't do it under a minority conservative government, they won't do it in a coalition either.

This is too big an issue to "wait and see what happens". Dion drove his party into the ground and got 26% of the vote, now he can be our next PM?

All Im saying is another election needs to be called. Voters weren't presented with the possibility of a coalition government, in fact, they were told exactly the opposite. This isn't right.

Well I do agree that the people of Canada should be selecting the govt not the politicians. I really don't think the gov general will call an election although she has the right to do so under the constitution. The public anger associated with the cost of another election I think will outweigh dissatisfaction for a coalition govt. The fuse for this whole thing is the economy so spending another 300 million of taxpayer money will only make the situation worse in terms of public disinterest in the election process.

We'll end up with another minority and be right back at square one don't you think?
He chose to not take his fat ass to the polls. If he wanted to make a statement he would've declined his ballot officially, so that it can actually BE a statement.

Telling TW he didn't vote is not a statement.
also duceppe has specifically stated that no Bloc deputy would be undertaking any ministerial roles

so you can cool down your francophobia
He chose to not take his fat ass to the polls. If he wanted to make a statement he would've declined his ballot officially, so that it can actually BE a statement.

Telling TW he didn't vote is not a statement.

Great point. I mean because telling some randomass poll worker that you're not voting is way fucking more effective than telling 50 plus Canadians on this forum...

He made a statement by not voting just as you did by voting. So many people vote without thinking about it. By having voted doesn't mean you're somehow better. There are idiot/intelligent voters and non-voters.

Anyway have fun in your thread. Toodles.
Sorry mister, but the only thing you're doing by not voting is further contributing to the dismal voter turnouts in this country. The only statement anybody is gonna see is that Canadians are a bunch of lazy fucks who don't give enough of a shit to get up and vote.

At least by declining your ballot you're still being counted.
Well I do agree that the people of Canada should be selecting the govt not the politicians.

We've got a parliamentary system though. There's no presidential elections or anything of that sort. We elect representatives, they create the government. That's how it was intended to work at its conception, that's how it works in every other nation with this system.

The problem, imho, is too much of this type of thinking. Individual MPs always toe the party line, no one seems to be permitted have any sort of independent thought.
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Sorry mister, but the only thing you're doing by not voting is further contributing to the dismal voter turnouts in this country. The only statement anybody is gonna see is that Canadians are a bunch of lazy fucks who don't give enough of a shit to get up and vote.

At least by declining your ballot you're still being counted.

Fuck off. You're not being counted at all. If that were true the Greens would have more seats. You're only counted until someone wins. This whole bullshit regional business is the problem. Go by straight numbers, and divide seats won by actual numbers of votes, THEN assign MPs to areas with majorities that voted that party. Then you'll get some true representation. If you want to fault my choice over objecting to the system as it stands, that's fine, it's within your right to do so, but it's intellectually dishonest of you to act as if voting means that the public will somehow being accounted for with any accuracy.
as retarded as amram has been over the last pages, he is right in terms of voting

not voting gives you no right to criticize the government. You had no say in how it was formed, so you have no say in what they do.
as retarded as amram has been over the last pages, he is right in terms of voting

not voting gives you no right to criticize the government. You had no say in how it was formed, so you have no say in what they do.

This is true, but I don't recall having specifically criticized one party or another. I criticized the system, and called out amram on being retarded. I never complained about the job that any party did while in charge.
Well I do agree that the people of Canada should be selecting the govt not the politicians. I really don't think the gov general will call an election although she has the right to do so under the constitution. The public anger associated with the cost of another election I think will outweigh dissatisfaction for a coalition govt. The fuse for this whole thing is the economy so spending another 300 million of taxpayer money will only make the situation worse in terms of public disinterest in the election process.

We'll end up with another minority and be right back at square one don't you think?

indeed. Smiley shouldnt call another election, if she does... well fuck people are gonna be pissed
Go by straight numbers, and divide seats won by actual numbers of votes, THEN assign MPs to areas with majorities that voted that party. Then you'll get some true representation.

You're absolutely right and a proportional representation system is MUCH more democratic, by definition, than what we have in place now.

Unfortunately when we had a vote to move to a PR system a year or so ago, not enough Canadians understood the concept to vote on it. If the government wasn't retarded, they should have spent more money educating voters. The problem is, what party that is in power is going to spend money educating its citizens of a PR system? :lol:
does this only apply to people who intentionally didn't vote?

what if you accidentally slept through election day? can you criticize the government?

what if you're a noncitizen permanent resident? underage? incarcerated?

trying to get the full picture here

can i criticize the american government or is it off-limits because i didn't vote in the american elections?
Unfortunately when we had a vote to move to a PR system a year or so ago, not enough Canadians understood the concept to vote on it. If the government wasn't retarded, they should have spent more money educating voters. The problem is, what party that is in power is going to spend money educating its citizens of a PR system? :lol:

Hey, now there's a potential positive of the coalition government right there. Both the Libs and NDPs would have something to gain from a proper proportional representation system.

I'd really love to see Single transferable vote - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia get implemented, personally.