[Canada] Our government is retarded

amRam sounds like a hick from the south who cares more about the party he voted for than what their actual politics are... you're an idiot.
amRam sounds like a hick from the south who cares more about the party he voted for than what their actual politics are... you're an idiot.

And you sound like a separatist fuck.

Our government does fucking suck, and our people suck even worse.

Apparently everybody forgot how the Liberals and NDPers trashed eachother just 2 months ago, but now they think these parties will be able to unify and run the country properly.

Ridiculous. You're all idiots and I'm laughing at you.
Dion is probably laughing his ass off right now over a bowl of poutine... he might be the next PM with only 26% of the vote. Classic.
They should be pissed because now their votes are counted as support for the separatist scumbags in Quebec, that's why.

NDP voters didn't vote for Dion to run the country, either.

I'm in the middle of one of the biggest NDP strongholds in Canada. I voted NDP and I'm thrilled that the NDP are going to have a voice for my area in govt. Politics comes down to what's in it for me to the average voter. With NDP cabinet ministers in govt my area will get better representation pure and simple.

I do not like Dion and I'm not thrilled that he will lead the coalition however he will be replaced with someone capable inside of a few months.

I understand that the bloc are doing this to further their own interests but at the same time I see this as the lesser of two evils right now. As has been said already don't blame the bloc for having voters smart enough to elect a united group of representatives to protect their interests.

Lastly Canadians have only themselves to blame for this mess. Voter turnout these past few elections has been dismal at best. Politicians have also done nothing but try and jostle for position for the past 4 years getting very little real work done in the process. We as a people have bought into it and let them do it.
Politicians have also done nothing but try and jostle for position for the past 4 years getting very little real work done in the process. We as a people have bought into it and let them do it.

Yet you support their continued games...?

The Liberals, NDP and Bloc have some serious disagreements when it comes to how this country should be run. Dion and Layton don't see eye to eye on very many things, and Duceppe is just a scumbag all on his own. The idea that these 3 parties can come together and efficiently run this country is laughable at best.

You think very little has been done till now? Wait until a coalition government is in place!

And yes I voted Conservative, but I would support a majority Liberal or NDP party any day of the week over this retarded coalition. Nothing is gonna get done, folks. Don't support this nonsense.
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Our government does fucking suck, and our people suck even worse.

Apparently everybody forgot how the Liberals and NDPers trashed eachother just 2 months ago, but now they think these parties will be able to unify and run the country properly.

Ridiculous. You're all idiots and I'm laughing at you.

I find it more likely that you are nearly weeping with rage that your countrymen are so blind that if only they would elect a conservative majority, Dion would burst into flames, everyone in Quebec would repent of their wayward ways, and make weekly pilgrimages to Ontario to suck good loyalist cocks, and we'd all fart light and shit joy.

I didn't vote btw, because I don't believe in democracy. If I did, it would have been for the greens, because I disagree with them less than any other party. I'm willing to give up my guns gladly, if it means that you'll be bitterly gnashing your teeth when you give up yours. I would see every last corporation buried and live in poverty before I become a happy, fat, lackey for someone making ungodly amounts of money, and I think your motorcycle sucks shit.
Yet you support their continued games...?

The Liberals, NDP and Bloc have some serious disagreements when it comes to how this country should be run. Dion and Layton don't see eye to eye on very many things, and Duceppe is just a scumbag all on his own. The idea that these 3 parties can come together and efficiently run this country is laughable at best.

You think very little has been done till now? Wait until a coalition government is in place!

And yes I voted Conservative, but I would support a majority Liberal or NDP party any day of the week over this retarded coalition. Nothing is gonna get done, folks. Don't support this nonsense.

I don't think a coalition is an ideal choice either however it IS three heads in place of one. If they can't work together then we'll go back to the polls and spend another 300 million for possibly another minority govt.

If they can get along and share ideas and compromise even for a little while we might see some really neat shit get done. If they fuck it up the PC are guaranteed a majority in the next election because they can simply run on "I told you so".

Conversely if the coalition works the new Liberal leader will likely call an election inside of 18 months and secure a majority.
If they can get along and share ideas and compromise even for a little while we might see some really neat shit get done. If they fuck it up the PC are guaranteed a majority in the next election because they can simply run on "I told you so".

If they couldn't do it under a minority conservative government, they won't do it in a coalition either.

This is too big an issue to "wait and see what happens". Dion drove his party into the ground and got 26% of the vote, now he can be our next PM?

All Im saying is another election needs to be called. Voters weren't presented with the possibility of a coalition government, in fact, they were told exactly the opposite. This isn't right.
Then kindly shut the fuck up.

no u!

I live in an NDP fortress. There hasn't been anyone elected here that wasn't NDP for 30 years. They always have 4x the vote count that any other party does, and the Canadian Communist party often places ahead of the Conservatives. My opinion is represented perfectly by the elected official in my area, I don't see how actually having voted for them would grant or deny me the right to voice an opinion. I just think the democratic process is fubared to the point of needing an overhaul, and have withdrawn my consent until that is done.