Canada investigates mysterious 'pinging' sound at bottom of sea in Arctic


Veteran XX
Canada investigates mysterious sound at bottom of sea in Arctic

Canada's military is investigating a mysterious "pinging" that is emanating from the sea floor in the Arctic.

The sound, which has also been described as a "hum" or a "beep", has apparently spooked the local wildlife in the Fury and Hecla Strait.

Paul Quassa, a member of the legislative assembly, said the noise was "emanating from the sea floor".

"That's one of the major hunting areas in the summer and winter ... And this time around, this summer, there were hardly any. And this became a suspicious thing."

The military said it was investigating what was causing the sound.

"The Department of National Defence has been informed of the strange noises emanating in the Fury and Hecla Strait area, and the Canadian Armed Forces are taking the appropriate steps to actively investigate the situation," an armed forces spokesperson told CBC News.

im ready

An abandoned, 1960s U.S. satellite recently started transmitting a ghostly signal | Blastr

It might sound like the start of a low-budget sci-fi horror flick, but this is for real.

A satellite that was abandoned back in 1967 and left for dead has come back to life, and is now sending back what radio astronomers describe as a “ghostly” signal. But it’s not quite as supernatural as it sounds. According to The Vintage News, the satellite was put together by MIT to test satellite communication techniques and launched in 1965, but it never actually made it into the correct orbit. It was still usable for two years, but was eventually written off as just another piece of space junk by 1967.

But hey, they just don’t make ‘em like they used to. The LES1 satellite was one of nine satellites (LES1-LES9) launched as part of the project, and after being dormant for the better part of 50 years it started transmitting again. An amateur radio astronomer in the U.K. picked up a strange signal in 2013, and eventually determined it was actually the LES1 sending back intermittent signals. The satellite is apparently tumbling through space, which leads to the solar panels getting juice every few seconds. That creates what the astronomer described as a “ghostly sound,” as it sends back signal flashes.

So why did it come back online after all these years? Researchers believe the batteries may have disintegrated to a point that it actually made it easer for the power from the panels to connect directly to the radio. Cue weird ghost signal. Explained or not, it's still kind of creepy.

Mysterious. . .emanating. . .spooked

that kind of shit isn't even journalism. It's click-bait for morons.
this is becoming an annoying trend

don't fucking link to some idiots twitter
copy pasta the shit they fucking said
Christ almighty
ashley winters ‏@OuijaQueen Feb 18
@chrisliedle it's a whirly bird on a roof with the bearings going out! Check the rooftops!
Chris Liedle ‏@chrisliedle Feb 18
@Wadswillworth Another Twitter follower said he same thing. You'd think after a month, someone would replace it though...