[Canada] Generation Jobless

Many. I'm in the engineering field and many of my recent graduate friends are jobless. Many of my student friends did not find work for the summer.

Even for engineering entry level jobs, you're expected to have at least 3-5 years experience in whichever field. I know some math graduates that are jobless. That's the point. Not talking about useless degrees. It's affecting everyone. EVEN skilled laborers.

Just had two friends emigrate to Canada, both walked into a job within 3 weeks of being there. Maybe you are just a retard?
Wow! Are you saying that dropping University standards - an education that perhaps only 10% of any population can actually ingest, if done properly - to such levels that even blacks can have advanced degrees has now plummeted the market demand for 'highly edumacated' people? Amazing, truly. Employers see that most people who graduate university are in fact no better than anyone else and just as airheaded and simply put ignorant and illiterate, therefore they are seeking some kind of assurances that you're actually capable of working.
your very argument is the exact thing i was talking about.

Pagy said:
should be renamed "generation entitled"

there are plenty of jobs out there. whats missing is the idea that you need to start from the bottom and work hard.

instead you have these idiot clowns and their liberal arts communication leisure studies bullshit and expect 50k per year.

There aren't, that's the point. No one is arguing about starting from the bottom. However, students want to start at the bottom of their field, not at the bottom of something they didn't sacrifice 4-5 years of their life and 50g dollars in debt for.

Pagy said:
it doesnt matter what degree or skills you have. you arent entitled to anything.the point is that they give out degrees to anyone that can pay for it. meeting the criteria to graduate is different from meeting the criteria for employment.

you also wave around this 3-5yr experience excuse around a little liberally and literally. its a guideline and filter for the worthless crop of graduates. apply and let them disqualify you, dont disqualify yourself. school, jobs, co-op programs...this is all experience.

I read your post. No where do I mention entitlement.
To say someone has to rack up 50000 dollars in debt, and work very hard to get good grades in a difficult degree, like engineering, over a period of several years, and then say "yeah but you're not entitled to this", is absolutely beyond retarded.
So now we need to expect 22 year olds to get out of university with 50grand debt, really high grades, and 5 years of work experience in a related field...and too bad if they don't find a job?

The job "experience" they get is in the classroom. There is no need for an engineering student to know or care what welding a pipe is like. A civil engineering student doesn't need to give a flying fuck about how to operate a bobcat, or how to pour concrete.
All that matters is he does the job he needs to do, which is design X or ensure Y, which is what they go to university for. Coop terms aren't allowed to exceed a TOTAL of 16 months, which is just under a year and a half.

Going to university doesn't just give you debt, you also "lose" money you could have made. We're talking up to a quarter of a million dollars not in their pockets just so they could earn their degree. We're talking about 4-5 years of their lives wasted. What is the incentive for people to earn these challenging and necessary degrees if now their degrees are useless? To top it off, idiots like you call them entitled. What a slap in the face.
Just had two friends emigrate to Canada, both walked into a job within 3 weeks of being there. Maybe you are just a retard?

What jobs were they?

edit: I wonder why they made a documentary called "Generation Jobless", and yet people here are telling me that there are plenty of jobs out there. Watch the documentary.
learn a fucking trade, numbskulls. There's a glut of self-entitled college grads who are under employed. Meanwhile, there are a huge number of baby boomer tradesmen who are retiring and there is nobody to take their place because nobody wants to get their well-manicured hands dirty.
Buddy at work is in a team that's looking at bulk redundancies coming up soon. He's a unix sysadmin with well over 15 years of experience in some high-end companies. His comment? "I'll do what I've done any other time I've lost a job, go sign up with an industrial personnell agency while I'm waiting for something 'proper'. It gets you out and doing something, and it's better money than welfare."

So this dude with a degree and masses of experience will go and work in a factory production line somewhere doing that "schlub" work. Why? Because it's work.

Not only that, but that shit on a resume actually is damn handy. It shows an employer you're grounded and are prepared to muck in and get your hands dirty, that you're not afraid of actually working.

People new to the job market need to understand that. It's not about the qualifications. It's about the person behind them. Qualifications might get you an interview. They won't get you a job. I've sat in on countless interviews, and I've seen plenty of people with killer CVs get to an interview and you have to say to yourself 'really?', because you can see at a glance that they just don't have it.

Don't count on someone else (including a university) to make you employable. Don't expect people to fall over themselves to hire you because you have a good GPA, 'coz you know what? It don't mean a thing.
Buddy at work is in a team that's looking at bulk redundancies coming up soon. He's a unix sysadmin with well over 15 years of experience in some high-end companies. His comment? "I'll do what I've done any other time I've lost a job, go sign up with an industrial personnell agency while I'm waiting for something 'proper'. It gets you out and doing something, and it's better money than welfare."

So this dude with a degree and masses of experience will go and work in a factory production line somewhere doing that "schlub" work. Why? Because it's work.

Not only that, but that shit on a resume actually is damn handy. It shows an employer you're grounded and are prepared to muck in and get your hands dirty, that you're not afraid of actually working.

People new to the job market need to understand that. It's not about the qualifications. It's about the person behind them. Qualifications might get you an interview. They won't get you a job. I've sat in on countless interviews, and I've seen plenty of people with killer CVs get to an interview and you have to say to yourself 'really?', because you can see at a glance that they just don't have it.

Don't count on someone else (including a university) to make you employable. Don't expect people to fall over themselves to hire you because you have a good GPA, 'coz you know what? It don't mean a thing.

Damn fucking right.
To say someone has to rack up 50000 dollars in debt, and work very hard to get good grades in a difficult degree, like engineering, over a period of several years, and then say "yeah but you're not entitled to this", is absolutely beyond retarded.
So now we need to expect 22 year olds to get out of university with 50grand debt, really high grades, and 5 years of work experience in a related field...and too bad if they don't find a job?

The job "experience" they get is in the classroom. There is no need for an engineering student to know or care what welding a pipe is like. A civil engineering student doesn't need to give a flying fuck about how to operate a bobcat, or how to pour concrete.

i dont think people are taking into account the baby boomer generation has to die and thats going to be a shitload of jobs available...
i dont think people are taking into account the baby boomer generation has to die and thats going to be a shitload of jobs available...

They don't have to die. They're retiring in droves, right now.

The problem is they actually fucking work hard, and the people in line to replace them are lazy fucksticks.
Oil companies here are recruiting engineers from all over because the only people graduating from college here are getting bullshit degrees.
oh well most of the ones i see are still working or being pulled from retirement as the companies expectations of pay/experience have gotten out of control..
So now we need to expect 22 year olds to get out of university with 50grand debt, really high grades, and 5 years of work experience in a related field...and too bad if they don't find a job?
Things change. The fishery gets depleted or Japan makes better cars or the highway bypasses your town or people don't read newspapers anymore or there's a draft or whatever, and people don't end up with the lives they thought they were going to have. Before that, there were wars and depressions and famines and railroads and whatnot.

I'm not clear on what you want the world to do for you here.

I do think there's a big change in progress with more and more things becoming automated. But folks like you will have to figure out how to adapt to that change, and you will decide how our societies adapt to that change.
Maybe your just a lazy grad that doesn't want to put the work in to get a job?

I actually have great experience, lol. This summer I sent out over 120 applications.
A friend of mine has 4.1 gpa in civil eng, and like 7 years of combined construction and surveying experience, and couldn't find a job this summer. He's very social, not the nerdy secluded type. You explain that one to me.
You sent 120 applications so you have great experience? Maybe you should take some ballin lessons from Obi. He would only need to send one application.