can we get a list of all the jews on tw?

jews are fucking terrible people

israel should be nuked

i can only pray that a middle east anti-israel country obtains a nuke and uses it wisely
i don't think ive ever actively enabled a jew to do anything. i just don't have anything against them

vanster, i want you to know that you may be my favorite poster on tee dubs
i don't think ive ever even met a jew since i got out of high school. i dont think vermont has jews, we dont even have brown people
mostly french and some brits
you'd love it here.
Not really, follow the conservative logic.

1. I hate arabs.
2. I don't know anything about Jews except they hate arabs too.
3. Jews must be my friends.

yeah but just about every ignorant generalization that could be used against arabs could be used against jews

not really conversely true but if you can convince yourself to hate muslims it shouldnt be too much of a stretch to hate jews who are also a desert dwelling funny hatted people

i just guess the perception of muslims being bad and jews fighting muslims makes it all okay
I did already tell you what I think about it. It's stupid. Europe is for ethnic Europeans, free access.
Ethnic Europeans, huh?


Finns - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to recent autosomal (genomewide, 10,000 markers instead of few looked at Y-DNA and MtDNA-studies) give distinct picture of Finnish genes. Finns are a genetic isolate. It could be said that all other Europeans have Finnish genes but Finns don't have all the genes found in other Europeans. Finns show very little if any Mediterranean and African genes but on the other hand almost 10% Finnish genes seem to be shared with some Siberian populations. Nevertheless more than 80% of Finnish genes are from single ancient North-European population, while most Europeans are a mixture of 3 or more principal components.

These people aren't equal, it's a scientific fact.
Seperate them. Expel the encroachers in their land.

'Free access' will dilute the bloodlines, leave nothing but half-breeds with no real racial identity. The true, seperate Finnish bloodline is in its death throes, and if we don't do something, we will be gone in two hundred years.
Nevertheless more than 80% of Finnish genes are from single ancient North-European population, while most Europeans are a mixture of 3 or more principal components.
Exactly. The other Europeans are mutts, mixed-breeds. Only the Finns are purely descended from the ancient North-European race.

Any non-Finn living on their rightful land should be ashamed of himself.
Absent. I thought Tsetse was called out by some e-detective and was revealed to be half black, half Jew?
Support Isreal, but find the majority of Jewish people I come into contact with to be proud, arrogant, self-entitled and money obsessed, right in keeping with the stereotype. Counterpoint: can you blame anyone for being this way? only thing that annoys me is the arrogance. I get tired of hearing proud Jewish stories about adversity, pain and glory...good job chaps, but if I identified with being white in the same in vein, I'd be labeled a skinhead.

On one hand, although I don't need to see yet another hollywood WWII movie about suffering Jews, I don't recall the last time Jews massacred white people by the millions. So I get why there are a disproportionate number of TV 'specials' about Aryan brotherhood gangs and neo nazis still being aired on major networks.

Other than that, I don't give much of a fuck about Jewish people, or any other 'race' for that matter. I don't take a lot of stock in color or creed.
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