Call Out Thread - Vanster - TW has KKK/Nazi Members/ Forum is full of racist


Tribalwar Overlord
Veteran XX
95% of this place is yelling about the government while not having a job.
Once we do away with the anonymity that Rayn preserves for the nazi/kkk members, they will scatter.

Now I have asked vanster to name these Nazi's and KKK members to which he has evaded yet he continues to say we are full of racists etc. So here is your chance vanster..list those people you think are those KKK/Nazi members:

Allow me to start the list for you and you can add to that:

Wait, there's only 30 posters, so only 2 of us have a job? Who's the other poor schmuck here that works?
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You ever call someone a ((dog)) ok sign, wink, white power?

You are now a racist. Dog is a racial slur.

Welcome to the club
Zool claimed schtick.. he was way overboard so I believe him.

However that one guys said some vile shit about people and made wide sweeping generalizations on races.. even calling for their murder. He went on to abuse women and actually tried to kill some girl while under the influence... what was his name?

Vanster something
Who Here Believes that Black People are all part of the problem with America?


the problem for America is the Free Shit Army / vote buying & pandering

that applies to everyone living off taxpayer money when they are able to work, has nothing to do with skin color

only democrats believe in identity politics, hence 'racism!'

EDIT: soon enough Blacks will figure out that the democrats have put them back to the back of the bus for the hispanic / latino vote.
Welp, I'm employed and neither a Nazi nor a KKK member. I'll admit to being racist but not much beyond the normal human tribalism level.

Wait maybe that's more culturist than racist?

I do know that if you wear a hoodie I'll assume you're up to no good regardless of your skin tone. :D
I hate all races. I like certain people of all races though.

I am not a Nazi. I haven't said nigger, ever in my life, with real, true hate. I have said redneck, chink, beaner, sand nigger, jew, greaseball, gook, slant eye, cracker. I spread it around equally
there's definitely a lot of racial shit that gets posted here as well as misogyny but I don't know if there are out and out racists
I'm writing a book next year on eastern front German armor, involving two tanks (probably Panthers or PKW 4's) used to lure in Russian tanks to anti tank-batteries, like 88's or Jagpanzers. What would be good primary source material to use, besides things like Von Luck's book. I'm looking for summer 1944 stuff.