Cali fixing homeless problems for good

cali keeping it fresh



James Woods on Twitter:

James Woods pointing out how great the state is under moonbeam
So Captain Spastic spent New Year doing what he does best. Nothing. What a waste of skin, oxygen and space.
Fuck I can buy a mansion in Texas why the fuck I still live in Canada

O right cuz you guys are fucking stooges with your green cards Got damn
Fuck I can buy a mansion in Texas why the fuck I still live in Canada

O right cuz you guys are fucking stooges with your green cards Got damn

You problem is that you're coming from the Northern border. If you come across the southern border green cards are not required....
See Brasstax's post above...
Reading comes naturally to some minds.
just not all minds.
A mind that can learn how to read just needs to be read to with the words pointed out. Then listen as that mind practices reading also.
It is not rocket science.
But there are some minds that no matter how you approach the bazilian gazillion programs of reading we've tried to come up with, will not learn how to read. I can read to a dog all day long and it will never pick up reading. Bottom line there are some minds that no matter what you do they will not learn how to read well or at all.
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vanster blames white people for that

rednecks for sure

I'm a testament to the fact that white children don't care about learning; that's why your taxes pay people like me to try to teach them arithmetic. Algebra is something Europeans do, Americans might get there someday. Science delivers. No other way to say it.

White people that can understand math and science stayed in Europe.

tl;dr Beyond my technical job, I teach math for adults, and there is no white instructors in this county. They are Indian like me, black, or Indian (dot). White kids are paying money to learn basic algebra from non-whites. That's the reality.

not this

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See Brasstax's post above...
Reading comes naturally to some minds.
just not all minds.
A mind that can learn how to read just needs to be read to with the words pointed out. Then listen as that mind practices reading also.
It is not rocket science.
But there are some minds that no matter how you approach the Brazilian gazillion programs of reading we've tried to come up with will not learn how to read. I can read to a dog all day long and it will never pick up reading. Bottom line there are some minds that no matter what you do they will not learn how to read well or at all.

it is pretty amazing how people can't do anything they don't care about

or don't really want to apply themselves to

man have i seen some people cook who can prove that point

and boy are they proud of their raw chicken and lumpy pancakes
See Brasstax's post above...
Reading comes naturally to some minds.
just not all minds.
A mind that can learn how to read just needs to be read to with the words pointed out. Then listen as that mind practices reading also.
It is not rocket science.
But there are some minds that no matter how you approach the bazilian gazillion programs of reading we've tried to come up with, will not learn how to read. I can read to a dog all day long and it will never pick up reading. Bottom line there are some minds that no matter what you do they will not learn how to read well or at all.

Pick up a little note book - Read this to a dog:

" Hey Boy! Do you want bacon? "

I have a sneaking suspicion that over time, even dogs could learn to read if there is bacon involved.

Now, Cali will say - "The New World Order will not involve being able to read. It is natural that people stop needing to read. Words and reading are racist. This is all part of the plan."

This is how California and many liberals, socialists etc in general work. They dumb everything down to the lowest common denominator and blame individual and group talent. They can not get their fucking minds around the fact that we are all different. We all have something that we can do better than others. That is what truly makes us 'snowflakes'. The trick is to focus on everyone's special talent. This is hard to do in a public classroom when a kid is in a room with 30-45 others. Cali - you fucked up. Quit spending all the money on stupid shit. Focus on the people. You have always said you loved the people. Then - quit fucking them in the asshole and blaming everyone else.

I went to a school that my dad started in the 70's. It was a public school. It bussed kids in from all over the town. It had everyone represented. Blacks, whites, Latinos, Asians, native Americans, behaviorally challenged. High income, low-income. The grade was K-6. How did they get funded by the public school system? The state was under two really big problems - 1) Desegregation 2) Low testing scores. My dad and a few friends came up with a plan to make a school that solved both these problems. They succeeded. The recipe is there. The recipe has been there for years. California knows the recipe. They choose NOT to win. Why? Answer that question. You will get to the root of the problem not just in Cali but across the USA.

I will outline the basics of how my dad's and his group of teachers school worked.

1) All teachers were called by first name.
2) The only real desks were in the library. Everywhere else had chairs and sofas and regular stuff. Often kids would just lay around on the floor in a group working.
3) Every kid took an initial test to roughly gauge what grad level they were working at. Some of the six graders needed kindergarten level education. Some of them worked at HS and college level. The school let kids work at their level. The teachers were smart - why not let the smart ones get ahead and help the ones that needed help catch up? We did.
4) There were only 2 required classes - reading and math. Everything else was an elective. Kids chose. We had everything as electives. We changed electives twice per school year. Examples: Bookmaking, poetry, bowling, dodgeball, kickball, Kung Fu, business - the list was endless and driven by the things kids wanted to do. But - you had to have at least 2 hours of reading and math. The rest of your day was up to you.

Class size was pretty tiny. Never more than 20 kids for a teacher.

Here is the kicker - we used volunteers. So - it wasn't just a teacher all on their own. Who were these volunteers? Parents. We even had our own special lunch program. We had parent volunteers who would come in and make awesome food that was like lasagna, spaghetti, garlic bread, fresh bread - whatever you might find at home. We grew shit out in the garden, we had gardening classes etc. The parents WANTED to help and be involved. They also donated heavily to the school because they wanted to. Also, by having high-income and low-income families working together - guess what the result was? Holy fuck - opportunity for the good low-income parents that had no other way to network. Surprise.

Most of our teachers were old kinda hippies. Not all, but many. But they were all dedicated. The parent volunteers all wanted to help. Everyone took pride in the school.

We excelled. We won most math/writing contests in the state and even some national. Kids tested way above the average. Why? The math is simple. Work it out. Take a large group of kids and help them at their level to get better and put them up against the average school system output - of course the kids went off the chart. The key was teaching everyone at their level.

I can't tell you how much difference it made when everyone knew everyone, was mixed in with everyone, had the parents involved, ate good food - shit - school was exciting. We all wanted to be there. It was cool. We got addicted to learning and discovery. Isn't that what school is all about?

So please - quit blaming everyone for the public education system and the fact that children are getting lost and that there is racism. We know the recipe. Do it. STFU and do it. Quit thinking that more money is the answer. It is pretty obvious that CROOKS are taking the money and misusing it.

Seriously - this is why most smart people say that smaller government is better - we don't need all the government involvement. This is grassroots level, community based work. Just Do It. There is no magic free shit thing that will solve all of the problems. It takes a little structure but for fucks sake. People need to wake up and make changes in their own city. This is not difficult stuff when people really care.
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they admit that their plan for education is to stick a few smart kids, children with potential, into groups with a lot of low functioning dumb kids, border line retards, those with serious emotional and mental disorders, in order for the smart kids to somehow elevate them to his level

this is all they talk about in CA

this is their core plan

this is the basis of common core curriculum

they have no idea, much like with socialism, that the path of least resistance will not work that way

the smart kid is more likely to end up not caring. works only as hard as he has to to pass classes. to simply skate more likely to just get high in parking lot, ditch class and start slanging drugs on the side for out of school entertainment cash.

and the slippery slope to idiocracy just gets worse year after year

as people like Vanster congratulates China and India, not for their education system, but class sytem and tiered schooling ideology. Where low functioning people are weeded out and not forced to bring down the curve for everyone.

Study Finds Racial Bias in Public Schools - The New York Times

AP enrollment grows along with questions of privilege

More Blacks Are Competing in Advanced Placement Programs, But the Racial Scoring Gap Is Widening

i mean even "they" admit this


but somehow vanster sees this and thinks all the white people are just dumb and lazy now (not entirely apathetic) and has no idea how it even began to get this way

the smart ones must have stayed in EUROPE he says

Most of our teachers were old kinda hippies. Not all, but many. But they were all dedicated. The parent volunteers all wanted to help. Everyone took pride in the school.

very hard to take pride in anything when you abolished individualism

goals or achievement recognition

no longer pay or compensate based on merit or effort

and treat everything as one giant tragedy of the commons

Cali is becoming pretty much the epitome of all this

i mean the military does some of this......but can you imagine if they promoted the people who couldn't pass basic training. they all but punished people who excelled or achieved at anything.

rewarded incompetence


that is all i am seeing these days

and sadly the military is more likely to follow their scholastic model than our education industrial complex reforming itself
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