Cali fixing homeless problems for good



While it's in our nature to have compassion for the homeless one must realise most all who are homeless are homeless by choice. Misplaced compassion is evil, and harms the homeless more than it will help them.
my life is pretty rad i will not lie.....i mean i could live in your country or these places

PMSL. No you couldn't. You'd be required to have a job and contribute to society, go outside occasionally. In Dubai, basement dwelling keyboard jockey isn't a job.
Dubai lagging behind developed economies as usual

Keyboard jockey is a 10 tendie per hour job in the civilized world
I'm too lazy to look it up now but some official study of the TO market found that foreign buyers were a single digits percentage. Like 6% or whatever.

Basically what I'm saying is that the fear of losing foreign buyers was more instrumental in affecting prices than actually losing them.

Vancouver was where the real problem was with foreign buyers, they had neighborhoods with too few people living there to support local businesses like retail and grocery stores, there weren't enough taxes going into the system in some cases to support services.

In some cases the houses weren't even being looked after, you had multi million dollar homes with nobody looking after them, which drove down the value of the homes of the people that actually lived there.

Toronto prices were out of control and the changes made a difference, at least they tried something.
PMSL. No you couldn't. You'd be required to have a job and contribute to society, go outside occasionally. In Dubai, basement dwelling keyboard jockey isn't a job.

u very proud of your middle managment poop truck logistics in sharia sandbox


your slave and turd mining is something to be very proud of
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