Buying a diamond

Way to fuckin shit all over ther thread you fags.

And btw mitchdubai, why do you let glare troll you so damn hard?
Because retard-baiting amuses me. Shit why does anyone come to this forum? To educate themselves?

I normally skip over the posts of people making fun of you, just wasn't that interesting. (mainly just interested in the poker part of the poker threads) Anyways, point is, never really knew much about you except that you seem to run hot playing poker and live in dubai. Reading this thread, you sound like a total douche and no wonder everyone gives you crap all the time. And seriously, how do you let Glare troll you so well?
How do you tards fall for this bait. I haven't seen trolling this bad in a very long time.

Its like fucking artwork. Last night I finished off page 3 with a helpful post to the OP about Diamonds (if he wants real and not man made - dont know shit about those).

Check this morning and its on page 7. All 4 Pages are Glare Dominating Mitch with his Trolololo. Cheers to you G.
How do you like the M5? I've been shopping the new M3s but I drove an E39 M5 once and absolutely loved it.
E39 M5s are fucking sweet as I have never felt more comfortable and connected to the road driving 160mph to Vegas in my life. E60s are even fucking better. I am thinking the M5 may be my next car...

Vanster's brother (15) and Vanster (17) riding shotgun. Mitch, I was ballin when you were still shitting yellow into your pampers nigga. Don't even front.

BMW 520i btw, 1983

Now THAT was baller back in the 80s...