hahaha that's awesome.

I got the kodo. :)

Somebody did that in my battlegroup the other day...
What battlegroup are you in?

E: I've got the Silver Crescent equiv, and both brew trinkets. I've only seen 1 mount drop thus far.
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Tanking thing dropped like 8 times, bloodlust brooch thing twice, healing hops 3 and pipe twice. One +45 stam trinket and no mount :(

I got the flavor trinket though :)
so far i have every trinket he drops, 2 of the shankers (dual wielding them lol) and NO FUCKING MOUNTS (seen 2 kodos and 2 rams) and i have a remote

so far i think only the hops and the 41 badge trinket DONT share a cooldown, but all the others do
it was late the other night and i just wanted to get in a couple more attempts before i went to sleep. so i joined a pug. it was some guild that all had their summons.

they had literally never even been to blackrock mtn. i had to tell them where to fly and where to go in brm to get to brd. i agreed to go because i outgear the fight well enough to make it a joke for others and i wanted more tries for a mount

first time these ppl ever enter brd, let alone do the encounter, and i've done it a billion times. remote drops and i lose the roll ;_;

i hate rng. the boss dropping mounts and stuff like that is so stupid to me. especially when they make it all achievements and cap you at one per day, unless you fuck over other ppl and just join groups w/o the quest
Ran him for the first time last night. My mana regen sucks so I was oom during the last 20%. Being an SP, I was also #2 on his shitlist when he kegged the tank =/

Blew money on repairs, AND I didn't get a trinket, because the group let the fucking mage roll twice (once again after he had won).
We had 3 people (+2 being dual boxed) Warrior/mage/druid (all in PVP gear)

The first time we tried he wore tanking gear and it took about 20 minutes to kill the thing and at the end there were probably 50 little dwarves running around.

Then he wore PVP gear and it was fast and easy :)
Ran him for the first time last night. My mana regen sucks so I was oom during the last 20%. Being an SP, I was also #2 on his shitlist when he kegged the tank =/

Blew money on repairs, AND I didn't get a trinket, because the group let the fucking mage roll twice (once again after he had won).

When I do it it's a 5-try group, you roll Need on what you need, pass on what you don't. Sometimes people will pass when they got something already, but so far I haven't seen enough of the same drops happen to cause a "loot fight" like that. But generally, if you won something on a run then you don't get anything else unless something drops no one wants/needs.
When I do it it's a 5-try group, you roll Need on what you need, pass on what you don't. Sometimes people will pass when they got something already, but so far I haven't seen enough of the same drops happen to cause a "loot fight" like that. But generally, if you won something on a run then you don't get anything else unless something drops no one wants/needs.

Mage won the first roll for the +dmg trinket, and then (against my protests) they let him roll again for the barmaid trinket.

I didn't particularly want the barmaid trinket, it's just the idea that everyone but me left with something (the mage left with 2), and I was the one that kept dying. (yeah yeah, suck less).
so far i have every trinket he drops, 2 of the shankers (dual wielding them lol) and NO FUCKING MOUNTS (seen 2 kodos and 2 rams) and i have a remote

so far i think only the hops and the 41 badge trinket DONT share a cooldown, but all the others do

Sounds like it is time to sell your account again?