Boston Redsox bunch of FAGGOTS.

btw what did a-rod do at his next at bat?

He grounded out to the short stop and got an RBI. He hit a homerun in his next at bat, went like 420 feet or something. I totally would have yelled something at that pitcher if not straight up flipped him off as I hit home plate.

Something along the lines of YEAH HOW YOU LIKE THAT BITCH
He grounded out to the short stop and got an RBI. He hit a homerun in his next at bat, went like 420 feet or something. I totally would have yelled something at that pitcher if not straight up flipped him off as I hit home plate.

Something along the lines of YEAH HOW YOU LIKE THAT BITCH
arod bragging about how far he hit a ball seems redundant.

too bad there isn't a PED for playing in the fall
steroids are all over baseball so i guess you should just start pegging everyone who comes up to bat cause FUCK THOSE GUYS.

Running to the extreme with it is dangerous also. It's like the Armstrong apologists that were once ready to fist-fight anyone suggesting he wasn't clean. . once the noose started to tighten, they got more belligerent about it, and then when he admitted being a cheater they all just said "FUCK IT, EVERYBODY USES THEN." That wasn't the case of course, and I think baseball has tons of clean players, maybe even more than half of them. What I'm saying is that as their testing regimen proceeds from the playschool level it's at now to a world professional standard, you're going to see a lot more players test hot. Football is next, and drug use there is far worse than it is in baseball.
let them take whatever they want

i want to see an 8ft tall qb throw a 90 yd TD catch to a 12ft receiver jumping through the uprights
steroids are all over baseball so i guess you should just start pegging everyone who comes up to bat cause FUCK THOSE GUYS.

It's not so much the steroids as it is the lying cheating aspect of it. A-Rod is the perfect figurehead for this aspect of the sport.
Running to the extreme with it is dangerous also. It's like the Armstrong apologists that were once ready to fist-fight anyone suggesting he wasn't clean. . once the noose started to tighten, they got more belligerent about it, and then when he admitted being a cheater they all just said "FUCK IT, EVERYBODY USES THEN." That wasn't the case of course, and I think baseball has tons of clean players, maybe even more than half of them. What I'm saying is that as their testing regimen proceeds from the playschool level it's at now to a world professional standard, you're going to see a lot more players test hot. Football is next, and drug use there is far worse than it is in baseball.
A big reason why doping in baseball is declining is because the player mentality is changing. In the past a lot of players would consider you not being a team player if you weren't doing something to get an edge.

Now many players get mad at you because they believe that the only reason you won whatever award, got whatever huge contract, or got a spot in the bigs while they got relegated is because you were doping.

Many players are vocal about wanting even stiffer penalties for getting caught doping, which is obviously very different from how it used to be.
Not only should it be legal in football but it should be encouraged. Running backs have like a 4 year window to make all the money for their entire life. You better be fucking taking something to make it count. Adrien Peterson has it right.
it was lame, especially trying more than once, but it really wasn't that bad either, it wasn't at his head. suppose it gives people something to talk about. all of the mlb is guilty of the ped era pretty much. i think even now some are.
Not only should it be legal in football but it should be encouraged. Running backs have like a 4 year window to make all the money for their entire life. You better be fucking taking something to make it count. Adrien Peterson has it right.

And kids in junior high school football that want to play professionally someday? Encourage them also? Start them young even?
sure why not?

they are being paid millions to be circus freaks, i say let them do what they want to their bodies