Book Recommendations?

If you haven't yet read the classic sci-fi, do so: Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, Bram Stoker's Dracula, HG Wells' Time Machine.
Frankenstein is a good read.
Dracula is a long metaphor for sex.
The Time Machine is a short, quick read about the dangers of capitalistic society.
lol fucking members

Don't try to backpedal from your shitty Dan Brown pick. Own it or just walk away, nobody is impressed that you're in college.
:lol: thx Spicy, I'll make sure to check out Ender's Game.

While I'm at it, I haven't read Frankenstein since junior year in high school. I've read Time Machine... and to be honest, I am not going to read Dracula.

Keep going though, I am getting a few good ones.

a crackling good yarn
additional generic book compliment

It's a short but entertaining read.
I like Dan Brown, and I like string theory too. So what wtf get over yourself video game kid. I graduated college 8 years ago.
He's entertaining, like in a decective based TV show kind of way, but I don't watch TV, so he fills that void for me. I like being able to read a 500-700 page novel over a weekend.
Historical non-fiction I've read recently:

Killing Pablo (read it again) -- About killing Pablo Escobar
Ship of Gold -- About pulling up over $300 million in gold from a sunken ship 200 miles off the coast in over 15,000' feet of water
The White Cascade -- About the deadliest train accident in American history
He's entertaining, like in a decective based TV show kind of way, but I don't watch TV, so he fills that void for me. I like being able to read a 500-700 page novel over a weekend.

His writing is trite, the characters are completely transparent. Character development is non-existant. His writing is full of errors (he can't even get ethnic last names correct). The story lines are uninspired and woefully predictable. Yeah, he's a great author.

FFS, Harry Potter books are written about 10x as well as Dan Brown "novels."

Dan Brown Novels are to literature what soap operas are to cinema. Incredibly poor imitations.
lol wow I actually tried defending myself against internet video game people. You're right, I lose.
after seeing your picture i guess you're just boning up on what to say when you get arrested for growing weed in your basement?

No. Read the first review on the page I linked to. It's good.

Also, I'm not growing and I don't have a basement. And unless the feds show up, I just show my medical mj card and the state/county/city police leave.

I will admit that almost all of my reading for some time has had some association with mj though. :shrug: Never hurts to know what's what.

Edit: And LOL, if I wanted to bone up on what to say when I get arrested for growing weed in my basement, I would read this. I read that last month or something. Mostly common sense, but it's nice to have an insider put it all together for you.
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To Vee:

Seriously. The consensus of anyone who has read at more than a 5th grade level for a few years is that Dan Brown books are entertaining, but poorly written novels. They're not "good" books that should ever be recommended. They're what you read when you need to kill a few hours on a plane and don't want to challenge yourself with anything that might require a modicum of thought.