Book Recommendations?


Veteran XV
Meh, I just finished the last of the 8 books I had piled up from Christmas... now I need another one.

Any good books you folks have read recently?
I just read J. Edgar Hoover's biography "Puppet Master" - which is easily the longest it has taken me to finish a book in awhile (mainly because... it was pretty dry.)

I like historical non-fiction, sci-fi, thrillers, biographies (but see above), etc.

basically, the only thing I really don't like is Dan Brown type shit... although I seem to have read most of his books :\. Otherwise, obviously no romance shit and I'm pretty flexible (if it sounds interesting.)
incoming fan boys recommending dune and cryptonomicon because they've never read real literature

also: The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
yeah, I should mention: I have read Dune, Ender's Game, the LotR trilogy, the Hobbit, etc.

please don't give me classic fantasy/sci-fi - I have already read it, it was cool, middle school was a exciting time in literature for me.
David Eddings - The Belgariad & The Mallorean

Honestly, most of his books are pretty good. He writes mainly LoTR-esque fantasy-quest books, but I find his writing much more accessible than Tolkein's.
after seeing your picture i guess you're just boning up on what to say when you get arrested for growing weed in your basement?
anyone who recommends anything by dan brown is automatically and irrevocably an idiot and most likely a 13 year old retarded kid
Terry Pratchett? I'm not sure I'll ever be able to catch up with the amount of books he seems to be coming out with. You'd have a to keep you busy. I'd describe his books as fantasy, though I think technically they're sci-fi. He's the sort of writer that you go to when you're not in a serious mood, though, it's all about humour in his stories.
i've read all his books but one i think

but if you recommend it as "good" you're an idiot who has never read a book that is actually good