Boobs and Games= Heaven

Good post Jaz, I agree with you. I see value and humor in SBs original post, and in Ss comments -- though I don't agree with the setting women back argument. I don't judge women by their breasts. In T2, I care only about how well my teammates work together. If they happen to be attractive women, ok, but tits don't score caps.
Jazmine said:
I dont think that anyone should have to be called a frigid bitch or anything else just because they dont share the same point of view as you.

but saying someone is a slut because they show less than they would at a beach is ok?

I thought you were smarter than that.
FissioN said:
Assuming <em>door #2</em> is a reference to <em>Let's Make a Deal</em>, the host would be Monty Hall.

ya but you aren't really QIX, so you need a coupon to post here now.
RivetGirl said:
exactly! that's why I stabbed myself... and I need to do it again now because... so is this! FUCK! :mofo: :stab:

don't ya hate that - i had a thread about that a while back
I think guys are clinging to the hope that SB might come back and post an R rated version of her original pic. :lol:
hmmmmmmmm all i can say is well hmmmmmmmm damn:)

i need to check the forum more often:)