Bin Laden is back?

your definition of rational is your own opinion. don't mistake that for rational.

whats rational about believing anything hook line and sinker that comes out of al qaeda?

you question the bush administration more than you question the terrorist organization responsible for 9/11.

but thats not surprising.

Yea, like i thought, you just want to engage in faggotry. :lol:

Cute. Let's review:

Triple says that if you believe Osama Bin Laden is alive:
- you are irrational and only forcing your opinion
- believing anything hook line and sinker that comes out of al qaeda :nuts:


I'm not going to even address your other cheese-ball attempts to be smart.




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I said if you believe the TAPE is real, his life or death is not a topic in this thread..

the tape is obviously fake, unless you can explain to me why every time he brings up current events it conveniently freezes?

why the hundreds of splices?

why is he wearing the exact same clothes, in front of the exact same background, in the exact same pose, in front of the same goddamn desk, from 2004? you really think three years has passed and his set remained exactly as it was?

when you figure it all out im sure you'll tell me. ill be waiting.
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the tape is obviously fake, unless you can explain to me why every time he brings up current events it conveniently freezes?


Simple possible explanations have been given. Experts say it's him talking about current events. Whatever their reasons for editing the video as they did and only showing some parts "live," it's pretty retarded to insist he's DEAD and this is a FAKE just because it seems weird.

It doesnt "conveniently freeze every time he brings up current events." In fact, it's like 30 mins of AUDIO with only 3-4 mins of video. The entire thing is just still shot of him reading a script. Maybe if you had actually watched the video before making your arguments, you'd realize that.

Keep going, tho...

why is he wearing the exact same clothes, in front of the exact same background, in the exact same pose, in front of the same goddamn desk, from 2004? you really think three years has passed and his set remained exactly as it was?

It isnt EXACTLY the same desk, EXACTLY the same shirt, EXACTLY the same background. It could be the same desk and background, but there is no clear proof of that and the clothing is SIMILAR style for his claimed religious status. Duh. ZOMG SAME POSE!!!

Are you sincerely saying this is the same Bin Laden from 2004? lol
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It doesnt "conveniently freeze every time he brings up current events." In fact, it's like 30 mins of AUDIO with only 3-4 mins of video. The entire thing is just still shot of him reading a script. Maybe if you had actually watched the video before making your arguments, you'd realize that.

Why did the video freeze when current events were spoke about? That's never happened in any of the past Bin Laden videos.
Useful idiots like tsetse make good (unwitting) pawns for the bin laden hype machine.

Funny how they question their government more than the biggest terrorist of all time.

If bush pulled something this shady, you think tsetse would give him the benefit of the doubt? LOL no.
Keep trying, Triple. :lol:

Why did the video freeze when current events were spoke about? That's never happened in any of the past Bin Laden videos.

It didnt freeze when current events were spoken of, as you'd realize if you watched it. It's 99% audio over a still of bin laden. There's barely any live footage of him, but it shows him speaking the same speech... the speech is consistent and the experts say it's him.

Why do they show so little live video? I've given my theory... but i also believe it's retarded to conclude he MUST be dead and it MUST be a fake.

These guys have always done weird shit in their videos, sometimes subtle things as cues for terrorist action, sometimes subtle forms of communication to the network about who knows what. In this case, i suspect he just looks like such shit they wanted to show as little as possible. FFS he looks like he's nodding off.
It didnt freeze when current events were spoken of. It's 99% audio over a still of bin laden. There's barely any live footage of him, but it shows him speaking the same speech... the speech is consistent and the experts say it's him.

Why do they show so little live video? I've given my theory... but i also believe it's retarded to conclude he MUST be dead and it MUST be a fake.

These guys have always done weird shit in their videos, sometimes subtle things as cues for terrorist action, sometimes subtle forms of communication to the network about who knows what. In this case, i suspect he just looks like such shit they wanted to show as little as possible. FFS he looks like he's nodding off.

You should be a lawyer TseTse. The way you love to split hairs. FREEZE = STOP MOVING. The video was of Bin Laden, then it became a 'still' then it resumed. Almost like an entire portion of speech was 'injected' in between the first part and the last part. The part that was 'injected' was the current events portion that didn't fit in with how Bin Laden usually speaks. (the tone, the global warming crap, etc..)
ok lets say its real. how does tsetse feel about bin laden basically taking the same positions as hillary clinton and liberals across america?
i dont think the man is still alive. if he is, he's not in any shape to do anything, or he would have already.

Though the ideal of the man is still alive, and you can't kill an ideal.
sure you can

you just kill everyone who has that idea

its fairly simple we've been doing it for the past 6 years

tough slog but shit, no one said killing ideals was easy
The video was of Bin Laden, then it became a 'still' then it resumed. Almost like an entire portion of speech was 'injected' in between the first part and the last part. The part that was 'injected' was the current events portion that didn't fit in with how Bin Laden usually speaks. (the tone, the global warming crap, etc..)

You havent actually watched the video, have you? :lol:

Full-Length Osama bin Laden Video -

Go to about 12:00 and watch the minute or so of spliced-in video.


It fits perfectly with the rest of his script... if you paid any attention (obviously not).

That "expert" told you he didnt talk of current affairs in the live part, you assumed that was accurate. It wasn't completely accurate. Feel free to keep talking out your ass, tho...
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ok lets say its real. how does tsetse feel about bin laden basically taking the same positions as hillary clinton and liberals across america?


1. Osama Bin Laden should have been dead or captured in Dec 2001 @ Tora Bora

2. Invading Iraq was a mistake and has helped terrorists (but i dont think we should run away now that we've turned iraq into a training camp for jihadists)

Feel free to put whatever retarded partisan spin on that... but the truth is that MILITARY commanders share my feeling on this.
you're damn straight invading iraq has helped terrorists, yes, we've helped them get their 72 virgins. everyone's happy.
The video is probably fake. The last one, in 2001, was directly from the CIA to the unthinking masses. The voice authenticity really doesn't matter. It could easily be faked. Hollywood can do it: you'd better fucking believe the federal government has the capability, as well. Especially with the insane amount of money and power the federal government now possesses. Especially with the recent revelation of just how ridiculously wired the government thugs are, and their true technological capabilities. Turns out the reality is far different from what the FBI was constantly portraying to the media, and therefore the people.

With all the 9/11 bullshit on the TV, the national and extremely costly ad campaign for "", coupled with this 'new tape': there will probably be some massive catastrophe that the federal government will, again, claim no foreknowledge of, that will directly lead us into a war with whatever fucking country Bush wants to free the shit out of next.