Big Gubmt Explained


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other than that one
that's like, 2k cash.


wow, many impressed.

guy probably started with 5 but bought a watch, a necklace, and some tats.

now how is he going to afford college
The interwbes have become a STRANGE mother fucker. Why is these black youfs so pissed offfs.

This guy is a rapper. makin $$$$ fuckin dem white bishes.

Then chicken chest punk threatens a man thats going to be president of the USA...and could quite possibly death squad you - FOR THE LULS.

holy shit maine

We'll get this straight -shitty rapper waves some chump change, talkin' shit and whining about trump taking away his momma's food stamps (because that’s all the f*ck she’s got..)

To spell it out for some of you: he has 'money' but wont take care of his mother because it's someone else's [read: white] money. Not the first time I've seen that shit.

White guilt apologists should be so proud to check their privilege.


while we wear expensive tax payer funded suits to water a tree during a rain storm

while we bitch about global warming and drought

as we drown this fucking Douglas Fir tree

as we pay other people money to hold umbrellas and help us with all this picture perfect pomp and circumstance