Biden - Dimocrats Newest Criminal Candidate


Sailing made him rich?

This isn't the 1500's
Biden is surrounded by women telling him what to do... listen to the handlers cut Boris off mid-sentence and start yelling for everyone to leave as Biden almost falls asleep again.

Absolute clown show...

Dude... he was DEAD!

Biden recounts questionable story involving Amtrak conductor

President Joe Biden used his one-on-one meeting with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Tuesday to reprise a story about an Amtrak conductor who supposedly congratulated him for traveling 2 million miles on the rail service — despite having died before the story purportedly took place.

“One day,” Biden continued, “they put in the newspaper: ‘Biden travels one million …’ — and I think — don’t hold me to the exact number — I think it was — ‘ … three hundred and fifty thousand miles on Air Force Two.”
Fucking rofl.. 1 minute vid

Watch this press conference between boris and dipshit :40 seconds they cut off Boris and utter chaos breaks out as they demand everyone leave.

Biden is surrounded by women telling him what to do... listen to the handlers cut Boris off mid-sentence and start yelling for everyone to leave as Biden almost falls asleep again.

Absolute clown show...

I missed that post but it deserves 2
Wtf are they going to do... They are not going to be able to keep up with this weekend at Bernie's charade for much longer.... And Kamala has disappeared from the Public because even her own handlers hate her....
even cnn has to report on the border crisis lmfao

Some Haitians are being released into US despite claims they would be immediately expelled - CNNPolitics

"If you come to the United States illegally, you will be returned," he added. "Your journey will not succeed, and you will be endangering your life and your family's lives."

except not

In August, the latest month for which data is publicly available, more than 70,000 migrant families were allowed into the US, while around 16,000 were expelled, according to US Customs and Border Protection.