Beware of Frail, Racist White People

does anybody actually read a single one of dweasel's posts?
Nope. Ignore works wonders.

So until we spread the love and have a nice even mix of cultures throughout the US, this will eventually lead to a bigger issue than people realize.
That will [hopefully] never happen. Who the fuck wants nigger/spic culture mixed in with white culture?
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This guy is saying the same type of rhetoric as the tea baggers, I'm sure you all don't have much to say about them.
Of course when they say something bad about American imperialism you white people start freaking out.
Yea, the Tea Bagger are fighting to revoke others rights and perpetuate biased, minority privilege... you hit the nail on the head.
Standing up against corruption is a lot different than fighting to segregate states from the fucking Union and shit on the people this scum piggybacks on to be successful.
California was 2% mexican/spanish in 1846, and virtually no contact with the mexican government. And the Russia and England both had equal claim to it. There were only 1000 mexicans living in arizona. Any fucking spic claiming "the border moved us" is a goddamn retard.
lol "This ground where we stand is stolen, occupied Mexico!"

Well isn't Mexico stolen, occupied native american land?

you could argue that mexicans are a much more mixed-race than americans, and therefore have more claim to native american heritage than americans do.

but who cares, nobody is going to 'give back' any land to anyone.
You have him ignored? I don't. Every time I see him post I encourage him to euthanize himself.
I've had him/tehvul on ignore for as long as I can remember.

Every post is the same, I don't need to see them.
absent said:
does anybody actually read a single one of dweasel's posts?

I usually get through the first line and realize it's a dweasel post then just skip on to the next. I don't even know if he has anything interesting to say. I just can't stand to read it in the format he types it out in. It's as if he thinks he is "flowing" some rap.

May as well just put him on ignore and save myself the time.
does anybody actually read a single one of dweasel's posts?

I do. Ever since Vanster suggested they may be an elaborate code puzzle I always try to figure them out. The problem is, now that I've broken the code, I've realized he's still full of shit.
This has nothing to do with mexicans wanting to come into the US. This is about the same thing that is happening in Greece right now. Its about communism. The guy in the video said it, he said their enemy was Capitalism.

These are the same type of communism revolusionaries that are in the white house (van jones) and that are in Greece with the unions.
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Excellent. Wowbagger has entered the thread.

I know certain parts of the country view the South as uneducated and racist, but other regions of the country receive negative perceptions, as well. Wowbagger, some regions of the country, such as the South, view your precious California as a socialist state that's chronically bankrupt and overrun by Mexicans. This youtube video sums it up quite nicely (though if only it could somehow tie in California's many recent financial problems for completeness). It has a Mexican government employee, a history teacher no less, implying the economic benefits of Communism.

Honestly, do they not teach History and Economics over there?